Giuseppe Conte, for M5s now a foreign body


When the news came that the French government had decided not to use the credit line of the State Savings Fund, the bomb exploded. “He was good at doing just the dpcm, now download the Month on us.” The issue of regularization has left many consequences. Never before has the entire world of the 5-Star Movement now believed in Giuseppe Conte, imposed on the League and vigorously defended by the Democratic Party, a foreign body. The meeting on Sunday night, the confirmation of the agreement and then the retraction, with a round of press releases between the Palazzo Chigi and the summit of the contradicting pentastellato, determined the fracture. In 5-star chats, he constantly records the video of when the prime minister said with conviction yes to Eurobonds and no to the use of the Save States fund. However, we are firmly convinced that the method of regularization runs the risk of prevailing on the European issue as well. And with the certainty that “now Conte has tightened an axis with the Democratic Party”, leaving the strangers of 5 stars at home.

When Grillini’s MPs met Monday night in a meeting chaired by Undersecretaries Stanislao Di Piazza and Giuseppe Labbate, a large majority said they were against the deal, though Crimi initialed them the night before. The deputy Giovanni Vianello was touched by the applause when he explained the difficulty he would have had in explaining to the farmers of his land that they had always complied with an amnesty against the fraudulent neighbor.

So why be in a hurry? A government official explains: “We were cornered, the alternative was to overthrow the government.” It is said of a very hard phone call between Conte (who in the press conference described regularization as “a measure of civilization”) and the pro tempore political leader, who unblocked the situation by not losing practically any of the pentastellate requests. Now that the battle for MES is brewing, the vote on the resolution should come in the next two weeks. The same source always urges: “He prepares the same treatment for us: he does not want to take responsibility, but he knows very well what the situation is with the group.”

Alvise Maniero and Raphael Raduzzi are the two young deputies who lead the frond. They have been studying the dossier for months, their barricaded position taking most of the group with them. The most realistic, including Luigi Di Maio, are aware that it would be crazy to open a crisis at the moment, they understand that the Pasdaran are attacking a position battle, they also share it, but they begin to take the field to mediate. The separation between the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Prime Minister over the case of Silvia Romano does not help. The entire diplomatic corps that worked on the case of the young Italian cooperative did not at all take Conte’s disposition to lead the liberation, without first warning his men. Nor did the unexpected arrival in Ciampino when the flight landed help cheer up the spirits.

“Month for us is a line of trenches, it is like Tav”, says a senator with an awkward example of a battle that was lost and that cost Count 1 to survive. The 5 stars feel that they are cornered. From Crimi, a convinced non-Month, going down and through all the pentatelled colonels, everyone knows that they must stay on the barricades until the last useful second, waiting for events, but that they will probably have to give in.

The power vacuum at the center of the Movement does the rest. They explain that Beppe Grillo is not very interested in the technicalities of the Month, but that the founder is very interested in the fact that the alliance with the Democratic Party is not going to collapse. The weakness of the vertices does not help. Alfonso Bonafede would be considering a step back from the head of delegation. The distrust of the Guardasigilli spread throughout the group. “We defend him and we will save him from the mistrust motion because we cannot do anything else,” explains a member of the executive, but what would have happened if one from Forza Italia or the Democratic Party had allowed the release of the mafia bosses? We would have jumped on his neck. “The government patrol is far from solid, as the ministers Lucía Azzolina and Nunzia Catalfo have already entered the blender of the reorganization as leaders.

It is almost tragicomic, but the story of the regularization summit on Sunday night tells the situation well. In difficulty, Bonafede and Riccardo Fraccaro asked Crimi to intervene to solve the problem. Crimi went online, the meeting continued, the go-ahead was given. The following morning, the pro tempore chief was overwhelmed by the protests, and a whole group claimed that “he did not understand what he said he did.” Internal talks were held in which the interested party advanced their vibrant observations, to the bewilderment of many of the participants in that conversation (ministers and undersecretaries) and the poisons left immediately after: “He sent her to defend herself.”

Davide Casaleggio is further and further away, they explain that he has reduced relations with Di Maio and Crimi, who wanted to replace the command through Rousseau, a frustrated movement thanks to the intervention of Grillo. Alice Salvatore, historical colonel of Liguria and considered very close to the founder’s son, yesterday presented “Common Sense”, the list with which she will run alone in the regionals.

In this pulpy frame, the awareness that the reduction of the Month will fall is insinuated with more and more conviction in the Movement. Which points to Conte, the foreign body, as responsible for the increasingly probable capitulation.
