Time is running out for Giuseppe Conte, the crisis in the dark desired by Matteo renzi is imminent. According to rumors and indiscretions could be open tomorrow, monday january 4. The premier does not give up neither on the Recovery plan nor on the revocation of the secret services and, therefore, will crash (not even a setback in extremis could change the opinion of the leader of Italia Viva). But the fact that the fate of the supposed ombudsman is sealed is also attested by some “very authoritative indiscretions“that comes from Quirinale and that he explains Italian business. Think about what you said Sergio Mattarella in the New Years speech, “we could have done more”, words that weigh like stones on Conte. The point is that Mattarella, if the situation were to precipitate, has no intention of defending the prime minister once again.
Translated into practical terms, Mattarella would reject any “responsible” that Conte might bring out in Parliament, because it would be a sloppy majority that could make pandemic management impossible. In case of crisis, the second Italian business, Mattarella would like the speedy approval of the Recovery Plan, in the case even with a pro-tempore government and supposedly without Conte in the Palazzo Chigi), and then go to the vote in a few months, as soon as the situation of health and vaccination can allow. In short, a clear change in quality compared to the recent past: the Quirinale will do nothing to keep Conte afloat. The measure is full. For everyone. Probably for Mattarella too.