“I cannot accept that the message of a president and a government that have abdicated their functions taking advantage of the summer break, that a single weekend at sea or a single dinner on the sidelines of an institutional appointment are so instrumentally emphasized”, because “The government never went on vacation last summer.” This is what Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte writes in a letter to the Republic, in which he defends the work of the entire executive and his own in the management of the pandemic: “It is misleading to speak of a country led to a” free den all “the summer for the accomplice absence of the executive.”
“Let me clarify, then, that this summer I have never given breaks to my institutional activity. Also in the month of August I was always immersed in the study of the different files and in the solution of the different problems, taking care, together with the competent ministers and various experts, that the full resumption of the various social and economic activities was carried out with total security ”, that“ even in the hottest period of August I preferred not to leave Palazzo Chigi, staying half an hour from my office and continuing to hold remote meetings almost daily ”.
Conte emphasizes that “if we had really renounced our control in the summer of today, we could not count on the strengthening of our defense instruments and we would already live in a total generalized blockade” … “if today we can afford specific interventions and measures of differently based on real conditions, the criticality of the territories is because we have never stopped ”.
Conte lists the efforts made and the results obtained: “Today we have twice the number of beds in intensive care compared to the start of the emergency; we incorporated 36,000 new doctors and nurses to the health services; While at the beginning of the emergency we could make 25,000 tampons, today we can make 230,000 and we are ready to make many more; In the spring we struggled to find personal protective equipment even for the most exposed professional categories, while today we are totally self-sufficient and distribute it free of charge every day to students, teachers, health personnel and security forces. Without the innumerable comparison tables, the 12 thousand works that allowed 40 thousand more classrooms, the contests for desks and digital devices, we would never have seen our children return to class ”.
Conte concludes the letter by saying that “the overall effectiveness of the organizing efforts made so far can certainly be questioned. But it is not correct to compare the action of the executive with that of the cicadas, who loaf and gurgle in the heat wave. We do not look for excuses: we can and must do more. But we have never thrown the oars on the boat ”. Finally, the premier recalls that “this government does not have a magic wand, but it has always rolled up its sleeves, since the pandemic began. We must take note that we are facing a tsunami that is shaking the whole of Europe, putting all countries in difficulties ”.