
Salvatore lady
Giuseppe Conte denies thinking about it. To the “responsible”. And then Sergio Mattarella does not want majorities that are based on non-homogeneous groups. However, given how things went with Matteo Renzi, the “hard bailout” always remains the Prime Minister’s plan B. Italia Viva leaves the government, but is willing to remain in the majority, while things change. And now Conte has two paths ahead of him, among others: to engage with the “scrapper” or to invent a creative alternative majority in the Senate of the Republic, where the Giallorossi have minority numbers. The fact is that, until yesterday, those responsible were there at the Palazzo Madama. But not enough for a radical change. Of course: never say never in politics. Crises trigger unpredictable mechanisms. And whoever is at the window today could propose to the prime minister tomorrow to allow him to “denationalize” the coalition. The senators of Italy alive are 18. While the count of those willing stops at 12, more or less. One child comes from the mixed group. Some of them, like Maie’s, already actively collaborate with the majority, helping out when needed. Others are the grillini dishonorably persecuted by the Five Star Movement. Now the historical nemesis wants them to be courted by those who, just a few months ago, had kicked them. The Contiani have begun risky courtships even among the ranks of Forza Italia, especially in the UDC component. However, until last night, the Berluscones have checked the troop and there were no signs of riots. The last hope, then, is that some Renzian senator betrays Matteo and returns to the Democratic Party. A circumstance that the former prime minister strongly denies. “We have eighteen senators who are free people, if the prime minister imagines that he is challenging us in Parliament with a group of leaders, among whom I do not know that ours are, for me it is a missed opportunity. In my opinion ”, Renzi confirms,“ they have looked for them but have not found them. Maybe they’ll find them tomorrow.

I “Sorci rossi” – Conte, officially, denies everything: «Go ahead with those responsible if Iv’s support fails? I have always said that a solid majority is needed to take action by the government, you cannot vote here and there, ”the head of government stops. The Mastella family, however, is working hard. «Senator Lonardo sought me out asking me to be part of a group of leaders to support Conte. This happened a few days ago. I said we need a substantial change of pace. ‘ The senator of the Mixed Group Gregorio De Falco reveals it to Rai Radio1, guest of Un Giorno da Pecora. “Apparently there are a dozen, a little bit everywhere, even in Forza Italia,” he explains. “If the Conte government proves to look beyond its own nose, let’s see, my no is not harmful.” Clemente directs the traffic from Benevento: «Those responsible? There are some, I don’t know if in sufficient number, but they are more than a few units, perhaps even more than five … ». To Renzi, who speaks of the Conte-Mastella government, the mayor of Benevento responds: «He quotes me to make fun of me, because he wants to degrade the functioning of the current prime minister. Had he still been in the parliamentary chambers I would have shown him the red mice … ». Mario Giarrusso, another former grillino, always questioned in Un Giorno da Pecora, does not deny and does not confirm: «Am I among those responsible? It seems to me that the conditions are not there, perhaps they are “piling up”. However, no one in the government has proposed it to me.
“Look for them in the Mixed” – Senator Saverio De Bonis, former M5S, is another included in the list of saviors of the legislature. He answers nì: «I am part of Maie, I do not have this need. I have no other hypotheses or perspectives. If anything, he adds, “those responsible could be among those who are not part of any component or group”, possibly they should be sought among “those of the Mixed who have not joined any group.” That said, adds De Bonis, “we will see in the next few hours if the alleged responsible takes a step forward”, probably “he waits for Renzi’s position, once he has said what his intentions are, I think they will take a step forward. De Bonis reiterates that he is not among the potential candidates: “I joined the Maie to contribute to this situation” joining “a constructive part of the majority”, so “I stay there.”