Giuseppe Conte attended the party of Daily occurrence, where he replied to questions on all fronts clarifying the future of italy. There are several aspects addressed by the school to stadium reopening, of ME to the possible Draghi government.
Important statements and expectations because they give us important information about what should we expect in the fall when there could be a further increase in infections with the spectrum of a new lock that scares citizens and companies.
In this sense, we have summarized Giuseppe Conte’s statements in various macro-themes; for those who have not had the opportunity to see the full interview here is a summary This will serve to clarify what challenges our country will have to face in the coming months and also to shed light on some decisions that the government could take to counteract the crisis.
Giuseppe Conte on the risk of COVID-19
According to the Prime Minister, Italy is in a position to face autumn with confidence. Also because today no risk of generalized blockage; at most, the Government will be able to intervene selectively in limited areas.
The increase in infections also depends on the number of tests performed that in Italy they reach very high figures; “we have a very sophisticated monitoring system, like no other in Europe”.
The Prime Minister also clarified the because the CTS minutes – presented in the central phases of the emergency – only now have they been revealed. This explains that “When making very important decisions regarding social alarm, it is good that you work confidentially, but not secretly“So much so that these minutes have already been made public, no secrets about how the pandemic was handled, when both the Ministers and the President of the Republic participated in all decisions, including the closure.
And also contact with the opposition “it was constant”.
Giuseppe Conte on the upcoming elections
With respect to Referendum on the cut of parliamentarians, for which we will vote on September 20 and 21, Giuseppe Conte clarified that it is a “constitutional reform voted by the overwhelming parliamentary majority that does not affect the functionality of Parliament“. Rather, “I am one of those who believe that those who are elected with the new rules will be able to feel even more the weight of representation and therefore that discipline and honor.”.
On naming the regional elections, however, Conte said he was critical regarding the fact that the The center-right is united in the territories while the majority “it goes in no particular order“.
In any case it is certain that any result will not affect the future of the Government. Also, for the moment Conte has stated that he does not have a project in mind for one of his parties.
Conte then also expressed himself about the new electoral law (“I like the preference system“) And the next Republic President (“If the conditions were right I would see a Mattarella Bis well”).
Giuseppe Conte on Mario Draghi
The Premier responded to the possibility of a Draghi government if the majority lose their number. Conte declared of don’t see him as a rival, in fact confessed to having also proposed it as President of the EU Commission but that it has regressed because it is tired of the European experience.

Giuseppe Conte at the MES
Once again Giuseppe Conte was pretty shy in the MONTH without giving a clear answer about it. The latter, for his part, explained that on the part of the Minister of Health the request for more money for health care never came; with respect to the MONTH, in addition, “We should not think that asking for this money for health care we spend it all there”.
Honey European stability mechanism Will it be activated or not? Conte responded saying that if we need more resources in Health Parliament will decide.
Giuseppe Conte at school
About schools reopening Giuseppe Conte said he was particularly confident, also congratulating himself on what has been done with the supply of the new meters.
And to those who fear delays, the premier explained that the 2.4 million single-seater banks were purchased through European tenders with penalties for delivering them and if the companies did not meet the deadline. they will pay the consequences.
Giuseppe Conte on the reopening
Little hope for stadium reopening, even if it’s for a small number of fans. This is because, in any case,the meeting is inevitable, both inside and outside the structure: that is why its reopening to the public is “inopportune”. The the same goes for discosTherefore, Conte wants to emphasize that the decision on its reopening was decided by the Regions and not the Government.
Giuseppe Conte in the single network
The Prime Minister also spoke of the single network: a “Open and inclusive infrastructure where everyone can participate in a project that can be completed in a period of approximately four years.“. Italy’s goal is to reach one ultra broadband soon and the resources that come in with the Recovery Fund will be of great help.

Giuseppe Conte on the secret services
On the subject of the secret services and on the recent summit extensionsaid the premier of not being able to be neutral as it is their political responsibility to elect the directors. However, the maximum duration has not been extended, but only the possibility of renewing the top management has been given, since the single limit creates problems for both the current prime minister and for subsequent ones.