Understanding if it will be a real reaction is soon. Insurance after power of attorney Rome has closed the investigation into the murder of Jules regeni the government has somehow decided to intervene. And he called a meeting at Palazzo Chigi. At the entrance of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Luigi di maio, the premier sat around a table, Giuseppe Conte, the Ministers of Interior and Defense, Luciana Lamorgese me Lorenzo Guerini. At the center of the meeting is the dossier relating to the murderer of researcher Fiumicello.
Di Maio has defined as “creepyThe photo was described by the Italian magistrates and they asked the government to unite to activate all possible international channels. Therefore, the Foreign Minister proposed to directly involve the EU to pressure Egypt so that the Rome prosecutor’s office choose the address of the suspects. “Italy is a founding country of the EU and on the issue of human rights it is not allowed to take steps back. It is appropriate that the our European partners through specific actions“These are the words of the head of Farnesina, who asked the government to join” in activating all possible international channels.
Last week, the Rome prosecutor closed the investigation into the murder of the Friulian investigator, issuing four notices to close the investigationan act that usually preludes the request for indictment, since so many members of the cairo secret service, while for the fifth suspect the presentation was requested. The charges, depending on the charge, are multiple kidnapping, complicity in aggravated homicide and complicity in aggravated personal injury. “For the murder of Giulio Regeni there will only be one trial and it will be carried out in Italy with the procedural guarantees of our codes,” assured the chief prosecutor of Rome. Michele Prestipino, in a hearing with the deputy prosecutor Sergio Colaiocco before the parliamentary commission of inquiry into the death of Regeni.
In the reconstruction of the magistrates there is talk of violence perpetrated by “abject and useless motives and crueltyWhich resulted in “the permanent loss of multiple organs.” Giulio, they write, was tortured “with acute physical suffering, on several occasions and several days later by means of sharp and cutting instruments and actions with a fire mechanism.” A treatment that provoked “numerous traumatic injuries at the level of the head, face, cervico-dorsal tract and lower limbs. “Now, the general runs the risk of going to court Tariq sabir, Athar Kamel Mohamed Ibrahim, Uhsam helmi and precisely Magdi Ibrahim Abdelal Sharif. Instead, the presentation of Mahmoud Najem is requested. For the latter – explains a note from the Rome Prosecutor – not enough evidence has been collected, at present, to support the accusation in court ”.