After so much waiting, all the romantic viewers in the house were finally granted wishes: the spontaneous kiss Pierpaolo me Giulia has finally arrived.
The mistletoe game taken aside, what is seen in the pool is in fact the first kiss between GFVIP’s new romantic partner.
In fact, the two competitors are alone in the group after that. Maria Teresa, realizing what was about to happen, also convinces Mario me Giacomo to leave the place.
Pierpaolo and Giulia thus begin a long ballet of aquatic courtship, with the boy increasingly insistent on seeking the final kiss, while the influencer initially seems to avoid the moment, or at least delay the inevitable.
The two intertwine, joke around and laugh, but the romantic tension becomes unbearable. Pierpaolo is forced to ask what is on Giulia’s mind, who answers sincerely: “I’m torn between instinct and my head”.
The two exchange before the timid attempts to kiss, to which Giulia confides her fear: “Do you understand that this is surreal? I can’t control it scares me”Explains the VIP, stating that she does not want to risk conditioning. Pierpaolo, on the other hand, is very sure, for him the moment is decisive and he concludes a well-defined path.
Giulia, however, recognizing what happened, feeds several fears, explaining that she recognizes in Pierpaolo a type of man and relationship that she observes in her friend Stefano Sala: “When the situation turns loving, you risk ruining yourself with fights and various. ”.
However, Giulia confesses that she cannot stop. Pierpaolo then retreats and settles for kisses on the neck, until the two declare they are happy with the situation.
The tension, however, does not break, rather grows, until Pierpaolo dares with the winning move: a fleeting kiss on the lips of Giulia, who responds with transport, even briefly, and then smiles, between embarrassment and surprise . .
The two remain alone in the water for about half an hour: Giulia, still hugged by Pierpaolo, says that she cannot escape, until the cold of the night arrives that convinces them to get out of the pool.