But now, after what happened today, the chronicle tells us that
Maria Paola Gaglione’s 22-year-old brother from Caivano, contrary to her relationship with a trans man, chased her on a motorcycle causing an accident in which the young woman lost her life – ask it out loud it’s the same deputy dem Alessandro zan, who a few hours after the murder of María Paola stresses: “I am shocked by what happened. There are no words to describe the horror of this murder. Our country can no longer sit still and wait for one more case, that of ‘yet another discrimination, Another murder. We must pass the law against homotransphobia and misogyny and we must do it immediately: from the extension of the Reale-Mancino law to this type of crime, to the establishment of centers and shelters against discrimination. Provide shelter and support the victims. Parliament must assume its responsibilities and must give the country an effective government because this delay continues to claim victims. Tonight the hatred has been overcome, in the worst possible way. We must stop this spiral of violence: each new case of homotransphobia and misogyny will be one more insult to the memory of this girl and all the other victims. ”The comments and positions of other politicians on social networks.“In Caivano, in the province of Naples, María Paola was murdered by her brother because she had an affair with a trans boy. Pain, anger, indignation. Another dramatic confirmation of the urgency of passing the law of the democratic party against homophobia and transphobia “. Then on Facebook the secretary of the Democratic Party Nicola Zingaretti.
“Maria Paola Gaglione murdered by her brother because she was in an LGBT relationship. News that seems to come from another world. Instead, it is ours. And it’s disgusting. ” So tweet the former prime minister Paolo Gentiloni, European Commissioner for the Economy.
“The only beautiful thing about this dramatic story is the love that united María Paola and Ciro. Everything else is egregious, and shows just how long the road ahead is. Many dramatic problems that afflict our own are concentrated in this story. Country and that prevent many from living a free and happy life: misogyny, considering women the property of the family, transphobia and homophobia, recourse to blind violence in the family and in society. We have a duty to intervene with “education, training, prevention and with a good law against homotransphobia.” So Vincenzo Spadafora, Minister of Youth and Sports Policies.
“First Willy, now María Paola. How much pain. Then everything is silly. We need a decisive response from politics, for a real cultural change. Against all forms of degradation and violence.” The Vice Minister of Economy and Finance writes it in a tweet, Laura castelli.
“If the motive for this attack that caused the death of the girl and the injury of her partner were definitively confirmed, we would find ourselves facing an episode of blind homotransphobic violence, which makes it even more necessary not only the appropriate protection tools but also dialogue . capable of building a real and positive coexistence of diversities in this country ”. Then the minister Elena Bonetti in a post.
The dramatic story of María Paola Gaglione “contains a hodgepodge of prejudices that unfortunately led to the worst possible way” and “María Paola was murdered three times: because she was a woman who dishonored her family, because according to her brother she was with a woman , because he loved a trans man, Ciro, who was stubbornly always identified as a woman by the murderer and also by much of the press in the first hours that the news spread. ”ES Franco Grillini, president of Gaynet, to speak of “a case that unfortunately explains in an exemplary way how necessary the law against homotransphobia and misogyny is, which is expected to resume the discussion in the House in October and how essential it is to keep the battles together of feminism and the LGBT movement “. “A law that, far from affecting ideas and thoughts, will allow us – he continues – to be able to recognize certain physical and verbal aggressions not only as such, but also as hate crimes that cut lives, relationships and families and only affect people. what they are or believe, no matter what they do. We hope that all institutions have a clear position on this horrible issue and a clear commitment from all political forces to pass a law that is now indispensable. “
“Pain and anger over the death of Maria Paola Gaglione punished for her choice of freedom, by those who should have loved her like a brother #omotransphobia #mascolinitatossica”. She writes it on twitter Cecilia D’Elia, spokesperson for the National Conference of Democratic Women.
“There is nothing more inhumane than a brother who kills his sister, blood of his blood. He seems to have returned to that archaic Italy in which the brothers decided who could love their sister, they could decide about their own life. To tell theAdnkronos Vladimir Luxuria after the case of gender violence that occurred in the Neapolitan area. Another story that tells, Luxuria declares, “a case of transphobia. Because it exists, and all who deny or minimize it must remember it. Hate of transgender people kills. The brother killed his sister because he loved, because he had a relationship . He thought about doing justice according to his model of devaluation. He killed intentionally “, underlines Luxuria that, like others, launches a call for” a serious law against homotransphobia to be approved as soon as possible. “
“A thought and a prayer for María Paola, snatched from her life at age 20 by the hand of her brother. There is so much violence behind this unacceptable death: that of homosexuals and that of women. But also that Unworthy idea that a woman cannot choose for herself and needs someone’s permission to be free. ” The president of Fratelli d’Italia writes it on Facebook, Giorgia Meloni, commenting on the death of Maria Paola Gaglione. “There is atrocious violence that is rampant among young people and that continues to lead to similar episodes,” Meloni insists. An unacceptable degradation that we have a duty to stop as soon as possible. The State must return to make itself heard and give a clear message that violence is not tolerated and whoever practices it will have to respond to the law. Now exemplary punishment for this lousy murderer ”.
“The umpteenth episode of homotransphobic violence demonstrates once again the need, which can no longer be postponed, for a change in cultural course and for specific legislation against violence and discrimination on grounds linked to sexual orientation. The absurd death of the woman young. Maria Paola Gaglione, rammed with the skateboard by her brother who could not bear their trans relationship, is the dramatic end of a relationship that the family opposes for gender reasons. The bill that we approved in the Justice Committee It is pending examination It will not be easy, due to the resistance of certain political forces, but I firmly believe that in the face of the many, too many and repeated cases of homophobia, it is Parliament’s duty to intervene. ” Mario perantoni, president of the commission of the Chamber of Justice and deputy of the M5S.
“We need a serious and rigorous law against homotransphobia. How horrible the murder of Maria Paola Gaglione, 22, which occurred on the road between Acerra and Caivano, chased and rammed on a motorcycle by her brother, because she did not accept her relationship with a transgender woman. it seems to be news from the Middle Ages. What country is this where you lose your life for love? And where is a person accused of being infected with homosexuality“. Says the senator of the Misto Sandro Ruotolo. “This umpteenth horrible story – he concludes – shows us how in gender equality, in the rights of gay, lesbian and transsexual people we must all do more. Stop barbarism, yes to a culture of support, acceptance, protection of fragility “.
Intervene in the matter and reiterate the no to the bill Zan es Mario adinolfi, President of the People of the Family. From the stage of the congress in Pomezia, in fact, Adinolfi underlined the no to the bill commenting on the tragic news: “The person who killed her sister is a murderer, if she really did it for reasons related to the sexual orientation of her boyfriend then the code also provides for the application of abject and useless reasons, which trigger aggravating circumstances. But do not be so jackals as to link the propaganda in favor of the Zan bill on homotransphobia to an emotional data, which would not add anything to.