Girlfriend investigated for rape in Ibiza. There is also a third alleged victim


Sarah Borruso, Alberto Genovese’s girlfriend, is being investigated by the Milan Prosecutor’s Office for the alleged sexual violence that took place in Villa Lolita, in Ibiza, against a 23-year-old girl. It is learned from sources in the prosecution. The girl was reportedly present during an abuse that occurred while the 23-year-old was unaware of the ingested drug, including cocaine (taken voluntarily) and perhaps even the so-called “rape drug.” Recently Genovese was also investigated for that same episode.

The victim spontaneously presented himself to investigators after the arrest, on November 6, of Genovese for sexual violence perpetrated between October 10 and 11 in Milan, in the attic of the Piazza di Santa Maria Beltrade, against a young man of 18 years. The 23-year-old said she found herself in a room with Genovese and her partner, having taken an amazing substance that she believed to be 2CB (so-called pink cocaine, actually a synthetic psychedelic substance), and that she was trusting precisely because it was in the room. Genovese’s girlfriend was there too.

Soon he began to feel in a hallucinogenic state: “I tried to get up between one sofa and another, but I always fell back into a sitting position. Then I found out that Alberto and Sara took me out of the room at six o’clock, ”he told the Milan mobile team, adding that he woke up with pain in various parts of the body and also bruises. The next day, Sara would also apologize for what happened.

The third alleged sexual assault

Meanwhile, again with reference to the festival in Ibiza, a third episode of alleged sexual violence emerged, to the detriment of another girl who told on Wednesday at 2 in the afternoon (in Rai Due) an “aggressive Genoese, who began to touching my shoulders, a hips and then my buttocks “as they danced. The young woman continued her story saying that she “asked for the help of her girlfriend” but that Genovese “threw us on the bed and continued to touch us in every way, it was a continuum and I didn’t know how to go back”. She then managed to “escape” to the bathroom to ask her boyfriend for help over the phone and concluded: “When Genovese found out, he got angry and pushed me out of the room half-naked.”

And the analyzes of the surveillance videos of the Milan house are always in progress, on the occasion of other festivals of the past.
