Giorgia Meloni, “Motion of no confidence in Conte, so let’s see”. Frost and shame inside Lega and Forza Italia – Libero Quotidiano


The censorship movement versus Giuseppe Conte proposed by Giorgia Meloni does not find the expected bank in the center-right. “I propose to those who really want, like us, to send the Conte government home definitively, and in any case to the entire center-right, to present a motion of no confidence to the Prime Minister and the entire government. So we will see, once again , who wants to keep the current executive alive (or, at most, target a remodeling) “, explains the leader of Brothers from Italy in an attempt to rinse Matteo renzi (Bluff or true desire for crisis?), But also, it is the suspect, who in Go Italy he hopes to make a contribution to the prime minister’s survival.

Renzi in favor, but Meloni always says no.  Berlusconi, a very heavy background on the new government

Dry no of League: “Right now, the only one who would benefit from a vote of no confidence is Conte himself,” the Carroccio reported. Deadly silence from the parts of Silvio Berlusconi, which according to the Corriere della Sera “looks at the motions with suspicion, not considering them adequate tools for the political battle.” Relevant note; the three senators of Idea-Cambiamo (Paolo romani, Gaetano Quagliariello me Massimo berutti), former members of the force, let it be known that they are not interested in being “responsible.”
