Giorgia Meloni and the cut interview, Report is the new Bible on the left – Time


Arnaldo Magro

We want to point out that “delicious” and profitable space (in terms of 9.7% participation, of course), dedicated by public service, by highly paid taxpayers, to the unstoppable growth of Fratelli d’Italia. “ReportThe bourgeois left likes it so much (the proletarian left has not been contemplated for a long time) that it rises to the category of informational totems. A kind of mammasantissima. The Gutenberg Bible is nothing in your face. If he says so Report then it means that it exists. With the director Siegfried Ranuccnewly named avthe director of Rai3, to manage queries.

Therefore, many were waiting for the much announced interview with the leader of the Brothers of Italy Giorgia Meloni. The interview with the president of FdI is an example of how an excellent editor is capable of transmitting any type of message on television. All this in contravention of professional ethics, which requires the veracity of the facts and the duty of loyalty and good faith. Cutting at will, changing the interviewee’s thinking, approaching the message in a predetermined way, it all seems, except in good faith. A cut and sew assembled to art. Therefore, a few hours after the broadcast of the program, the person interested in social networks launches the “complete” interview. Therefore, formulate the judgment that suits you best from home. God forbid. But now having the possibility on the internet, look for what now even the deputies have stopped giving you. The truth.
