Gimbe report, + 70% of deaths from Covid in a week. Intensive care beyond the saturation threshold in 11 regions: the data


The new tracking published by the Gimbe Foundation on Covid data in Italy refers to the week of November 4-10 and once again records an increase in trend compared to the last week monitored. The rise in new infections goes beyond that 235 thousand cases. A growth that, however, as the Gimbe report explains, represents a “slight slowdown in the percentage increase in cases”. Among the probable causes listed, “both the effect of the containment measures introduced at the end of October” and the saturation of the testing capacity, “given that currently positive cases continue to increase everywhere.”

Unfortunately, there is no shortage of increasing percentages for the remaining indicators. Gimbe registers an increase of 171,968 currently positive, the 41.1% more than last week. At the base of growth is recognized both “the slight increase in cases tested”, 872,026 against 817,717 from the last report, there is a more dominant increase in the positive / swab ratio: from 23.9% from last report to current 27% incidence.

GIMBE FOUNDATION | Weekly trend of new infections and incidence rate

Intensive care above threshold in 11 regions

According to what Gimbe recorded, they are 2,971 new admissions to intensive care in one week, “with a hospital saturation threshold exceeded in 11 Regions”, that is, with the achievement of 30% of beds available. These figures are not very reassuring, even those of ordinary hospitalizations that have reached 40% of places, also in this case, in 11 Regions. The increase in hospitalizations is 35.6%, equal to 7,519 new people hospitalized from 4 to 10 November.

GIMBE FOUNDATION | Weekly trend of ordinary, intensive and currently positive hospitalizations for Covid19

For deaths the biggest increase

Among the percentages of increase observed by the Foundation report, that of deaths registers a +70.4%, the highest of all indicators. am 2,918 the new victims of Covid-19 in a week. The number reported in the last follow-up was 1,712 dead.

Peak infections among healthcare workers

One of the categories most in crisis in the progressive increase of the epidemic is that of health workers. Gimbe records the last 30 days finished 19 thousand infected. A worrying growth compared to last month’s figures, which, as the president of Gimbe recalls, were “at a height 1,650“The impact on health personnel is one of the most worrying aspects, a category” already in great difficulty due to the shortage of personnel and tested by the first wave, “according to President Cartabellotta.

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