Giletti apologizes for Vesuvius: “The graphics are made by a southerner”


After the controversy and outrage that arose over the graphics depicting the Covid-19 erupting Vesuvius, Massimo Giletti apologizes. After the episode of Not is the arena in La7, in which the Neapolitan mayor Luigi De Magistris had also participated, many had denounced a lack of respect on the part of the host, who declared to that “the boy who made this graphic is a southern boy, last week he proposed to me this idea of ​​the analogy between the danger of the eruption of Vesuvius and the fact that the virus represents a risk of similar magnitude ”.

“I have 70% of the people who work with me who are from the South and I have yet to hear these repeated stories even though my programs have been fighting for the South for years,” continues the journalist bitterly. “I don’t want it to be an element of pride, because it’s my job and I do it with passion, but sometimes it becomes degrading. Initially I said to myself that I did not owe anyone an apology, because in my opinion this one-time conspiracy tainted by victimization is absurd. But then do you think that with the mayor in the study I would do such an offense? These things do not belong to me ”, Giletti adds.

More than the graphics, which can be reviewed, Giletti urges you to look at the work that his editorial team is doing on the Covid issue: “We get lost in an image and it can fit, of course I apologize if it has hurt someone, but I would invite everyone to look at the issue from another point of view, for example that of the battle we are waging against the health crisis in Campania. We should probably highlight this battle, which I dare say we carry out quite a bit alone on television “, he concludes .
