Gian Roberto Pagliarini, the horse butcher of via Baldesio, passed away


CASALMAGGIORE – Died in the night between Sunday and Monday Gian Roberto Pagliarini, historical figure of the city’s trade, one of the oldest butchers working in Casalmaggiore. Affable and loved by all customers, he had always exercised with passion, because for him the butcher shop was really just another home and customers were part of the family. Unsurprisingly, even after retirement, he could often be seen in the kitchen, a room adjacent to the counter for the sale of selected meats and ready meals, as he prepared some dishes, still helping his son. Giovanni. In short, a tradition that has been passed down from father to son and that in fact continues now with Giovanni, esteemed heir to the Pagliarini business.

The son of a horse merchant, Roberto had opened the butcher shop in via Baldesio (for a time in a different location and then moved to where it still is today) specialized in horse meat in 1975. A traditional shop, in which it is also important activity has always been the human relationship. Roberto with his wife Dyne, they continue the carnage with sacrifice and dedication until, in the 90’s, after some health problems for Roberto, his son Giovanni also joins them. In 2002, the store definitely changed hands for his son, but Roberto continued to help him out. Roberto was the tradition, Giovanni the innovation and the two have always lived together within the business.

The funeral of “Berto”, as they all called him, will be celebrated by the Funeral Directors of Roffia on Wednesday at 3:00 p.m. in the Cathedral of Santo Stefano, where the body will arrive from the Oglio Po hospital, while the burial will have place in the cemetery of Martignana in Po. The family thanks the lady Small port, doctor Paolo bini, the nurse Pierluigi schiroli for the care provided and Ermanno for the friendship shown.

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