During the episode of the Gf vip Monday, November 23, Alfonso Signorini revealed the official extension of the show. Let’s find out together the end date and the reactions of the competitors …
Also read: Gf VIP: who was eliminated yesterday November 23? The percentages
When the Older brother? This is the date
The fifth edition of Gf vip It will last far beyond the expectations of competitors and viewers. Director Alfonso Signorini, during the November 23 episode, officially revealed the show’s extension.
Since what was declared will run until the beginning of February, the official date of the final will be exactly February 8, 2021. Competitors will have to decide whether to accept the new date and whether to stay at home for the next two months.
This is the moment when Signorini revealed the new closing date of the program and the reaction of the competitors:
What will the contestants of Gf VIP? Will they decide to stay in the most spied on house in Italy? We just have to wait the next few hours to know if the vipponi They will sign the new contract with the modification of the final date, which we recall was initially set for early December.
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