Gf Vip, Tommaso Zorzi isolated in a room with the author. Anxious fans: “Are you cleaning?”


its the latest news. Gf vip, Tommaso Zorzi isolated in a room with the author. Anxious fans: “Are you rubbing?». Hours of anxiety for the influencer, the face of Riccanza and Beijing Express. This morning the news that Tommaso Zorzi had a fever, now there would be news.

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The influencer disappears from the house, worrying the tenants. At dinner, the countess Patrizia De Blanck He asks the girlfriend about Tommaso, but receives no answer. Soon after, the director frames the influencer in a room with the author. Gieffino, very agitated, says: “I made 127 tampons, better tell me to go home …“. The author responds:”I would like to give you an answer, I wait for you. You are very important to us. Your Big Brother doesn’t end here …».

Instant fan comments on Twitter. “Is Tommaso cleaning himself? The manager cut off as soon as he started saying he was still sick.“. Still: “We are really looking forward to Tommaso“Will the influencer stay at home? We’ll see.

Last Updated: Tuesday, September 15, 2020, 9:07 PM

