Fausto Leali disqualified from Gf vip. The third episode of the reality show opens with a speech by Alfonso Signorini, on the importance of words and on racism. Later a video is shown in which the singer repeatedly uses the word “black”, causing the outrage of several roommates, including Enock.
During the direct the brother of Mario balotelli, while reiterating the unacceptable word used, decides to forgive Fausto Leali, hugging him in front of everyone. “I got to meet the man and the person and even if he didn’t apologize, I forgive him anyway,” Enock said.
READ ALSO Gf Vip, Tommaso Zorzi returns home: they took him in an ambulance with a fever of 39
– ASTRAL INDIFFERENCE (@trashastrale) September 21, 2020
The Gf Vip cancels the televoting
«The televoting that involved the competitors Fausto Leali me Massimiliano Morra it was canceled due to disciplinary action against a competitor. ‘ With these few lines, the reality production of Canale 5 had announced the imminent disqualification of a competitor. The press release continues: «In today’s episode, Monday, September 21, of“ Grande Fratello Vip ”all the details of this decision. Users who cast their vote via text message in the canceled session will be refunded.
READ ALSO Gf Vip, Fausto Leali and the shocking phrase: “Black is the color, black is the race”. The singer runs the risk of being expelled again
The televoting in which the competitors Fausto Leali and Massimiliano Morra participated was canceled due to a disciplinary measure against a competitor.
#GFVIP pic.twitter.com/pcsWfcztgF– Big Brother (@GrandeFratello) September 21, 2020
The racist phrase of Fausto Leali
If the phrase about Mussolini last week (“he also did good things”) was somehow forgiven by the production of Gf Vip, the last statements of the singer were considered inadmissible. In the course of some conversations with the roommates, Leali used the word “black” and, although the boys pointed out that it was a wrong word, he insisted, “Come on, for black is color, black is race. “.
Last update: 23:44