Vesco Customs collapses in tears in the House of GF Vip thinking about her friend Dayane mello. The two in recent days have grown apart and the model has harshly criticized the actress. The arrival of new tenants at the Cinecittà loft has caused many changes, changing the balance and also causing some jealousy. Between Rosalinda – the actress’s real name – and Dayane, misunderstandings and arguments arose that destabilized their friendship.
“Dayane endures and accumulates – confessed Adua Del Vesco, letting go to tears -, and every time we have an argument she brings up things from the past. You complain that I talk to everyone, but if I feel like trusting other people, what is the problem? I talk about my things, but I have never said anything about her. It hurts me to see certain situations and I feel like I no longer have my point of reference. She is gradually moving away ”.
At the origin of the last dispute between the two would be the election of Adua to name Sonia Lorenzini. “He doesn’t want to talk to her – Cecilia Capriotti told Stefania Orlando -. She was disappointed in the nomination Rosalinda gave Sonia. I told her to clarify, but she said no. ” The tenants commented on the reason for the fight and Orlando revealed: “You have to respect the nominations of others. Dayane is angry with Rosalinda for the nomination that Rosalinda made to someone else, this is absurd ”.
The nomination of Vesco Customs in the last concert with Alfonso Signorini provoked numerous discussions GF Vip. Shortly after the episode, Lorenzini had accused the actress of having named her out of jealousy of Mario Ermito. “You pretended to be stupid – Sonia thundered when she discovered the nomination – you put the flea in my ear and then you put it in that place! You are very smart! Now everything makes sense “. While Dayane said she was disappointed in her friend: “I’m taking a step back. He laughs and jokes with everyone, in other cases he would have cried for three days […] Something is not right for me ”.