GF Vip 2021, the report cards of the episode of February 5, 2021


The pain of Dayane mello, but also his smile and the desire to move on: the February 5, 2021 episode of GF Vip starred in the model, crushed by the loss of brother Lucas. A live show different from the others, with a Alfonso Signorini moved and the strategies that for once have been put aside to leave room only for the heart and the desire of the other competitors to support Dayane.

Let’s find out the report cards to the competitors and the highlights of the program.

DAYANE MELLO – Strength, pain and courage: there is all this and much more in the eyes of Dayane Mello. Crouched in pain at the sudden death of her brother Lucas, the model met former mother-in-law Simona Perini. Stefano Sala’s mother and Sofía’s grandmother hugged their ex-daughter-in-law, trying to comfort her for her loss. An exciting meeting in which Dayane once again shed all mask or fiction, showing herself for what she is: a strong and fragile woman who, now more than ever, needs support and help. “You know you are not alone outside, we are all with you – said the woman -. We are in contact with your father, Stefano calls him every day. We love you. “Words that gave Mello a smile:” She taught me to be a mother, “she said. But the most exciting moment was undoubtedly the monologue of the supermodel who with an incredibly sweet smile addressed the audience at home and to the companions of adventures who have supported her these days. “Don’t waste time with the trivial things in your life – she said -, go ahead with the things that matter. If you have things that you have not resolved with your loved ones, do it because time never goes back. Big Brother taught me that there is always a new beginning. Death is something absurd, but I thank you and I love you very much. “Thank you Dayane. VOTE: 10.

ALFONSO SIGNORINI – It is a tried and excited Alfonso Signorini with whom Dayane Mello meets at the Casa del GF Vip and we see that in the movies. Faced with the competitor’s pain, the driver did not take a step back, but with his usual empathy he chose to hug and go through that suffering as well. The sudden death of Lucas, involved in a terrible accident, shocked not only the competitors of the GF Vip, but all production. Then in the studio the former contestants of the reality show disappear and Alfonso explains Dayane’s decision to stay in the Cinecittà loft. “In an entertainment program, the concept of fighting to the death – said the presenter – […] The house of Big Brother Vip is also a house like yours, because it has had to face the duel. Dayane Mello’s, who lost her 26-year-old brother in a car accident. In an entertainment program, death cannot enter it. But Dayane made a decision: to stay at Big Brother’s house. We notified her immediately, we put her in contact with her father and brother and for now, also due to the difficulties in reaching Brazil due to the pandemic, Dayane has decided not to leave her companions. His companions today are his family. Everyone in the face of pain reacts in their own way and none of us can judge ”. Addressing a topic like death in an animation program is not easy, but Alfonso has succeeded, delicately and with the right tone, trying to explain a pain that often escapes our understanding and to give Dayane a little peace. VOTE: 9.

ANDREA ZELLETTA – Dayane Mello’s experience and her words are a warning to many, and one of the first to accept her invitation to show the love we feel for our loved ones is Andrea Zelletta’s father. The former tronista of Men and women He often spoke of his father, explaining that he never understood her feelings for him. And the man, entered the House of GF VipHe decided to open his heart to his son, telling himself as he had never done before: “It’s not that it’s frozen,” said Andrea’s father. It’s just that I grew up like that, my father raised me like that. I was wrong, I took many things for granted because loving is beautiful. For me, it was a foregone conclusion. I was wrong, we were wrong. From time to time we wanted to tell you that I love you, that your heart is good for you. It is time to recover. There is time, right? ”. Then, the man thanked the other contestants on the reality show: “I see that now everyone loves you. Thank you for loving my son ”. Andrea Zelletta, defined as a “nightstand” by Francesca Pepe and accused of never taking a position, has proven to be a sweet and polite boy. A true rarity in a world where people often push and yell at each other to get noticed. Loyal and sensitive, with his gentle nature he has shown that in life it is not necessary to shout to continue. And the public, once again, chose to reward him. VOTE: 8.

GIULIA SALEMI – And in an episode different from all the others, the common thread is the relationships with the people you love and the need to keep affections close to oneself. Thus, Giulia Salemi reveals, for the first time, the existence of a sister, Nausica, and in front of the cameras she returns to their difficult bond, the mistakes of the past and a distance that, until recently, seemed insurmountable. “Nausica is my non-consanguineous sister that my parents found in a crib – said the influencer -. I have not been an exemplary sister. I looked for him through social networks but he changed his name. “Shortly after, Salemi received a letter from the girl:” I never forgot Giulia – we read -, I had her and she had me, I never stopped thinking about her Defining Salemi is not easy because her weaknesses often lead her to wear a lot of masks, but once all the trimmings have been removed, what is underneath is truly splendid. VOTE: 8.
