Germany, tougher restrictions on the road. Merkel: “Curva stabilizes, but slowly.” France: “Control of the epidemic recovered”


Quarantine already in case of cold, obligation to mask for all students at school, limitations for Dated between people from two different families. The German government plans a new tightening across Germany to stop the spread of the coronavirus: two weeks after the entry into force of the soft lock, restrictions are needed Stronger because the first measures did not have the effects I expected curve of infections. “The numbers are stabilizing. But Too slow“: This morning the Chancellor Angela Merkel expressed all personal concerns to his party board, the Cdu. For this reason, today’s meeting with the presiding ministers of the Länder, which initially only aimed to take stock of the situation in the semi-closure that began on November 2, becomes a summit in which the federal government, and Merkel herself, want to impose a contact bans more strict. In France, on the other hand, where the total closure decided on October 30 is already more rigid, now by the Minister of Health, Olivier VéranThe first messages of optimism arrive: “We have regained control of the epidemic,” he explained. “Clearly, it is too early to shout for victory and chill out in our effort ”, added the minister: the French blockade will in fact continue at least until the beginning of December.

New restrictions in Germany – The federal government, after imposing a confinement from which the schools but also me shops (where very strict rules are in force), think now about intervening later possibility of meetings since private. southern german newspaper, Mirror me Time have revealed what the New plan Thought by the chancellor. First, they can only meet between members of the own family and with a maximum two people from another nucleus. There will also be a recommendation for the Young people: to choose just a friend to see in your spare time. Private gatherings, on the other hand, should be limited to a single family. Holidays, prices and other opportunities for home meetings should remain taboo at least until Christmas.

The meeting limitation will follow the general rule of avoiding all unnecessary contact. Also for this reason,quarantine obligation even for those who only have the symptoms of cold. Home insulation will last from 5 to 7 days and it can only go away once the symptoms have completely disappeared. In addition, the leave work due to illness should be requested from the GP by phone, without going to his study. The doctor will then decide, based on the symptoms, whether or not to prescribe a tampon.

The government then wants to intervene in schools: for now they remain open, but the proposed solution foreseesmandatory mask for students of every age and obviously also for teachers. An obligation that must always apply to all school facilities as well during the classes. In addition, it is thought of reduce the class numbers again, dividing them into two groups less. The new German plan also establishes that people with a higher risk of Covid, therefore the elderly and the sick, can receive Ffp2 (more protective) masks at a discounted price from December. Also when it comes to older people, there is also a recommendation to avoid visiting them if you have been in contact with many people in the last week.

In the last seven days there have been more than 130 thousand new infections in Germany. The previous week, the first in lockdown, the value was 127 thousand. The incidence is 157.5 new infections per week every 100 thousand inhabitants. The goal of the federal government is to approach an incidence of 50 positives per week: only then, according to Berlin, will it be possible again to track contacts of infected people and keep the virus under control.

The effects of the closure in France – The decrease in the number of new cases of Covid-19 and the decrease in the rate of incidence lead us to “believe that we have passed the peak of the epidemic”: the French minister said this for the first time since the beginning of the second wave Will see. “Thanks to the closure, as in March – said the owner of Salud – the virus begins to circulate less for 10 consecutive days, the number of new cases decreases, the rate of positive tests and the incidence rate decrease ”. They were 27,228 the new cases of positivity found on Sunday in France (the peak had been more than 58 thousand), for a positivity rate that continues to gradually decrease and is now in 16.9%. “We are regaining control of the epidemic – Véran continued – but we have not yet Defeat the virus“. The number of entries in the rooms intensive cure or in intensive care it touched yesterday fee 270 in 24 hours, the lowest by 3 weeks. In recent days, the prime minister Jean castex however, he warned that the Paris government is working on “rules“To contain the situation unsafety until the arrival of a vaccine: after the end of the closure, scheduled for now at the beginning of December, initially the bars and restaurants will continue to be closed.
