Germany, Covid Chaos and Merkel under indictment: what’s going on


So virtuous in the first phase, so criticized in the second: this is the current state of the Germany, where the situation in front of contagion and gods deceased now it seems out of control, with Merkel’s government growing ever larger criticized by the press.

A situation that could lead Germany to a confinement extension Despite the start of the vaccination campaign, the Germans are currently among the European states with the highest number of vaccine doses available.

In Germany they are living what happened in Italy, especially during the first phase, with the contagion that yes spreads in RSAs causing a greater number of victims. For Angela Merkel, who has already announced that she will no longer be a candidate, 2021 has certainly not started in the best way: let’s see in detail what is happening in Germany on the front of Covid-19 and what decisions could be made to address the situation.

Germany: more deaths from Covid in December than in all of 2020

In the last 24 hours in Germany there have been 32,552 new positives in Covid-19, while the victims were 964.

The total deaths increased to 33,071. It makes us think that as of November 30 there were only 16,248; This means that in December in Germany there were more deaths from Covid than from the rest of the pandemic.

The reason is that this time in Germany they failed to keep the virus out of the RSAs. In land of Hesse, for example, the86% of the total victims were in nursing homes.

In short, a situation of alarm that must necessarily be followed by decisive decisions: and that is why in Germany there is talk of an extension of the confinement, which could be extended throughout the month of January.

A decision that Merkel is maturing in these hours, but that in the meantime must be careful of the attacks of the press on how the vaccination campaign is managed.

Germany: the press against the vaccination campaign

To date in Germany they have been about 80 thousand people vaccinated, compared to 15,000 in Italy and just 200 in France. Therefore, Germany is among the most advanced European countries in the vaccination campaign and it is news in recent days that the Government has signed an agreement with Pfizer BioNTech for the supply of other 30 million doses of vaccines compared to those already agreed with the European Union (all without violating the rules dictated by the EU).

Despite this the Merkel is under indictment and in these hours there are several press organs that have attacked the management of this delicate phase. After the praise of the first phase, here are the accusations of the second, with the virus that is now out of control and Merkel, who is coming under increasing pressure regarding the need to acquire as many doses as possible, and if necessary do it also independently.

Both of them image that he Mirror they ask more dose now for the immediate, to avoid that the confinement is prolonged. There is also chaos in the organization, with Merkel having to provide important responses to public opinion in the coming days for what is probably the most difficult time of her administration.
