Germany, agreement with BioNTech for another 30 million doses of vaccines. Nursing home mistake: injecting 5 doses to healthcare workers


“Germany is known to have placed an order for 30 million doses, bilaterally, with BioNTech.” The spokesman for the German Health Ministry said this in response to a question at a press conference in Berlin. These 30 million will be added to the 55.8 million doses of the same vaccine, through the agreement made by the European Union.

The number of vaccination doses is greater than expected, writes the image, recalling that Germany will also receive 50.5 million doses of the Moderna vaccine, which should be approved in early January, again through the agreements signed by Brussels. Both the Moderna vaccine and the BioNTech drug (together 136.3 million doses) will be delivered to Germany in 2021, making doses available to all 68.15 million German citizens, according to the Health Ministry.

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Germany, remember image, has ordered other vaccines pending approval: 42 million doses of the drug developed by Curevac will arrive through the EU, in addition to another 20 million doses that Berlin has obtained nationally. Germany also receives 56.2 million doses of the EU AstraZeneca vaccine and 37.25 million of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

Berlin intends to intensify the production of the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine in the national territory. The German Health Minister, Jens spahn, explained that production centers in Germany will increase: “We are working together with BioNTech-Pfizer so that there can be more vaccine production centers in Marburg and Hesse.” BioNTech has acquired the Novartis manufacturing center in Marburg. And according to the German company, now only small adjustments will be needed, to start with the production of the anti-Covid vaccine.

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Meanwhile, a small accident in a retirement home. Eight healthcare workers have received five doses of the Covid-19 vaccine by mistake, so far without serious consequences for their health. The seven women and one man, aged between 38 and 54, work in a nursing home in Stralsund, in the northeast of the country. During the vaccination session on Sunday, five doses were injected at the same time, explained the administrator of the health district where the institution is located, Stefan Kerth. They were immediately notified of the error, he said. Four were admitted to the hospital for observation with mild flu-like symptoms, the other four returned home. “I deeply regret this incident,” said the administrator who guaranteed that they were isolated cases.

Comirnaty, as the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is called, is in fact distributed in vials each containing six doses, but its use is authorized for only five. This was reported by a spokesperson for the German company BioNTech to the Dpa agency.

Each vial contains up to six doses and there should be 0.3 milliliters of the vaccine in each dose. However, to withdraw all six doses from the vials, you need special syringes and needles that are not available in all countries. For this reason, explained the manufacturing company, the vials are intended for five doses and, therefore, have been approved by the EU.

According to the German Ministry of Health, six doses can now be taken from each vial in Germany. It should be remembered that it is not possible to combine the funds from different vials to make an additional dose of the vaccine.
