How you came to make decisions about the three zones against coronavirus in Italy, Giuseppe Conte? A reconstruction comes from a comment by Marcello get up its The impression. It starts from the analysis of the figures, with deaths that are decreasing and “hospitalized in intensive care that continue to be tolerable.” In short, we are beginning to believe that the strengthening of the measures is beginning to have an effect. So you remember how yesterday, Friday, November 13, Tuscany and Campania they have become red areas, while the oranges have risen to nine.
Sorgi, however, adds that “there is little doubt” about what may be in the next two weeks “the point of arrival of the daily balance of the situation” entrusted to Roberto Speranza: in the next appointment, “if not before, the minister will end up declaring all regions of Italy orange or red, forcing them to a more or less severe confinement, but in most cases similar to the one they already endured in spring ”.
In short, the total blockade would be the objective established for some time and to which we tend, to which we will arrive. One wonders, however, why not do it immediately, a “sharp blow”, as Germany, France and the United Kingdom did. And Sorgi, on this point, has a precise answer: “In this way, Conte believes, As many activities as possible could be saved, some of which, see the bars and some restaurants, continue to operate also in Lombardy with take away food. Much will depend on the administration of the refreshments: Preventing local rebellions is still linked above all to this. “And it is in this room, in short, where the real reason that prompted the prime minister to act in this way is found: to avoid rebellions, Conte fears social unrest. And not Could it be otherwise.
And on Sunday, November 14, the confirmation of the possibility of a total confinement came from Walter Ricciardi, Roberto Speranza’s consultant, who at the Global Health Festival clearly said: “We have activated a series of measures proportional to the circulation of the viruses in specific areas of Italy. If they are respected, we will be able to prevent them. If we cannot, all regions would turn red, and the generalized lockdown would actually take place. There is still the possibility of avoiding a general lockdown. But these two principles are still valid: act on the basis of objective data, those 4-5 indicators that can be understood and monitored every day, “concluded Ricciardi. Clearer than that …