Too many intolerant and Italia Viva runs the risk of going to the bottom. The attitude of Matteo renziOne day in favor of the government, the other against, its people don’t like it. “Sometimes Matteo wakes up in the morning, reads the newspapers and He is crazy“These are the words that reached the ear of Daily occurrence. Phrases pronounced by a renziano to a piddino and that show increasing discomfort. So much so that the Travaglio newspaper becomes unbalanced, mentioning the names of those who are thinking of going to the Democratic Party. There are 4-5 senators, even if some are willing to bet they are a much larger number. Maybe 8. Among these – write The fact – the names that run are Giuseppe Cucca, Eugenio Comincini, Donatella Conzatti, Leonardo Grimani me Gelsomina Vono. Accusation, that of abandoning the scrapyard, denied by those directly involved. “They went from Macron to Pecoraro Scanio – ironically confirms a dem senator – and many are gone”.
The urns are also adding fuel to the fire. The Ipsos findings give Renzi last place in the ranking of the most popular leaders. She also stands in front of him. Vito Crimi. It is not better for the party. Swg gives Italia Viva 2.8 percent and simulations with the Rosatellum predict that the former prime minister does not even have a senator. A real coup de grace. Or enough to make the Renzians flee before it’s too late.