The sentences of the two degrees of trial were annulled, although very harsh against Napoli, which had denounced the opportunism of the club

La Gazzetta writes it clearly: at FIGC there is irritation over the decision of Coni’s guarantee board. Irritation, therefore, on the part of President Gravina. There is no official statement, but this is the mood.
The Football Federation did not jump for joy at the decision of Frattini and the joint sections of the Guarantee College. With a single blow the sentences of the two degrees of sentence were annulled, which were very harsh against Napoli. that basically he had denounced a kind of opportunism of the blue club throughout the history of the long weekend of the lost game. The irritation mainly refers to the defense of the protocol dam, considered fundamental for the rest of the championship.
The League fears that an embankment has been broken and that a Juve-Napoli case may be repeated with new returns on sports justice and the progress of the championship.