Former champion Rino Gattuso announced on television that he has ocular myasthenia gravis, an autoimmune disease that affects the eyes and eyelids.
“I suffer from an autoimmune disease, myasthenia. Rumors have been circulating for a month that I am dying, but don’t worry, I am not dying. Seeing double is a great difficulty and I haven’t been me for a month ”. He said it Rhino Gattuso at the end of the Napoli – Torino match, which ended in a draw, 1 to 1. Ansa reported it.
Rino Gattuso is sick: he has ocular myasthenia gravis, an autoimmune disease
“I think guys Has suffered also for this ”, the former midfielder, now coach of the Neapolitan team, underlined the outcome of the match.
“Other times I had hard times, but this was particularly difficult. But the eye will fall into place, “said the former champion again. In June, Rino Gattuso lost his sister, who disappeared at 37.
What is myasthenia gravis, Rino Gattuso’s autoimmune disease?
The myasthenia gravis it is an autoimmune disease that attacks the nervous system. In the case of that eye It prevents the muscles of the eyes and eyelids from contracting, causing diplopia and ptosis, that is, double vision and droopy eyelid.
There is currently no one watch out for myasthenia, but symptoms can be treated.
VIRGILIO NEWS | 12-23-2020 23:38