In Italy, even in such a dramatic situation, certain positions are not summoned on the basis of competence and actual preparation, but are called friends of friends ”. Massimo Galli, head of Infectious Diseases at the Sacco Hospital in Milan, speaks about the new ad acta commissioner of Health of Calabria, Giuseppe Zuccatelli, already in the eye of the storm for a video in which he defines the useless masks against coronavirus infection .
According to Zuccatelli, who yesterday tried to correct the shot, the virus would be transmitted only by kissing someone for 15 minutes: “At the beginning of the pandemic, many things were said – said Galli – but someone who takes care of the health organization, perhaps be better. that it does not expand, that it has an attitude such that it does not expand on things that it does not know and whose meaning it does not know. The apodictic statement, completely wrong, of an urban legend, which is part of the attitude that is not good, is scary.
Galli then spoke of the hypothesis of emergency shutdown national, solution demanded aloud yesterday by the College of Physicians. An appeal that, said Galli, “expresses a very generalized opinion among doctors in our country. And those who have a different opinion have it for their own reasons, not for a scientific fact or reality. “There is no doubt that the situation is widely out of control,” Galli said, “the data shows a steady increase in the spread of infection and we are not reducing the phenomenon yet.
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