Gaetano Manfredi: “From Monday lectures in universities and with a mask”



Students waiting to be admitted to the classrooms where the entrance exams to the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry of the Federico II University of Naples will take place, on September 3, 2020 ANSA / CESARE ABBATE /

“Face-to-face lessons are resuming at all universities: some have started, most will resume next Monday; there is a mixed model that foresees an occupation of 50% of the classrooms and at the same time distance training to get away from home and foreigners but also to those who cannot attend classes for various reasons ”. Thus the minister of the University Gaetano Manfredi in Sky News 24.

“We have tried to give priority to first-year students who need a stronger guide – he explains – but we are trying to guarantee maximum safety living with the pandemic. We have also imposed the use of the mask during classes: it is a nuisance but the numbers in the classrooms are important ”.

The minister adds that “all the classrooms have been wired to guarantee a quality service.”
