“From May 18 a new phase will begin that will lead to territorial differentiation.“: The Minister of Regional Affairs announced it yesterday, Francesco Boccia, talking about the reopening plan within the Phase 2 call, noting however that “nowe cannot restart activities without security protocols, guidelines will be implemented these days to open hairdressers, beauticians, bars, restaurants and other commercial activities “
A few minutes ago, Minister Boccia, in another teleconference meeting with Governor Fugatti, informed the Regions about the details supported by his colleague. Roberto Speranza, owner of the ministry of health.
“The responsibility phase of the Regions beginsBoccia said.
Local realities will decide autonomously. So go ahead for the opening of all commercial activities also in Trentino.
However, the government will have the opportunity to intervene if, according to the trend of the data on the contagion curve and according to the criteria defined by the Ministry of Health circular, it was necessary to block a new spread of the virus.
Interventions will be timely, he explains, in close contact between the government and the regions.
The autonomous regions and provinces, however, ask the government for more clarity and guarantees.: especially on the mechanisms by which the regional authorities manage a plurality of services that, in the case of our province, represent close to 100% of skills.
We are now awaiting the definition of new guidelines regarding activities still blocked.
However, Fugatti concentrated mainly on the issue of resources. “Given a total collapse of the GDP that will fall by 8-10 points, it is difficult for us to think that the state cannot find the 0.2% that allows us to continue guaranteeing to our citizens the essential services that we always pay us. The Governor of Trentino did not express no desire for confrontation, but a strong request for specific attention by adopting, as President Bonaccini said, diversified approaches between the ordinary and the special, not because we are privileged, but because we have objectively different financial and organizational mechanisms. “