Fugatti defies Conte’s dpcm: bars and restaurants open late and ski lifts in operation


President Fugatti challenges the government: today comes the new provincial ordinance (already signed), which recognizes (but modifies) the Presidential Decree of President Conte. Bars open until 8:00 p.m. M. (Instead of 6:00 p.m.), Restaurants are open until 10:00 p.m. M., There is no distance education for high school children and the opening of the ski lifts like last year.

Fugatti announced the news during the Rai TGR: first – he said – it is necessary to comply with the economic categories. Therefore, under pressure from merchants and restaurateurs, the hours were extended. In Trentino, bars can stay open until 8 pm Restaurants until 10 pm.

Fugatti said that keeping bars and restaurants open until midnight would not have been possible: “We are leaving and it is not certain that there are no disputes with the national government with a possible resource, the limit of 22 is a good mediation even with respect to our current situation
epidemiological “.

No to distance learning for high school (the government asked for at least 75% of the lessons online): according to Fugatti in Trentino, the problem is not the schools (at the moment there are more than 100 quarantined classes out of 490) ; the problem is rather transportation and the crowds of students outside the school, and we intend to intervene in this.

Finally, an opening for plants: “For our land it is an essential sector,” said Fugatti. But how to do it? “We intend to compare ourselves with other neighboring regions and provinces, from Veneto to Lombardy and Alto Adige, in order to arrive at a security protocol with common rules. We believe that the sector should open up, in safety and with all the guarantees for health, “he said.

Yesterday already Fugatti had anticipated: “Since so far all decisions have been made on the basis of a continuously updated ‘diagnosis’ of the epidemiological situation by our health experts – said Fugatti – we have reason to believe that the lessons can continue in Trentino for the moment in school as it has been done until now, without applying distance education and continuing to observe all the security measures adopted so far. We will continue to improve the school transport service, with the aim of reducing the autonomy of buses, bearing in mind, however, that we are doing everything possible with the public and private transport available.

“In the folds of the Dpcm -added the president who also gave account of a comparison with the Province of Bolzano- we believe that there may be margins to allow restaurants and bars to stay open until 10:00 p.m. instead of 6:00 p.m. : 00 hours provided by the national decree. We have paid special attention to health protocols and there is no reason not to consider them effective at dinner, if they are good for lunch. Also, yesterday, together with the other regional presidents, we pointed out to the Government that closing the dinner actually means forcing the closure of most of the businesses.

The president also spoke on the issue of the opening of ski resorts. “We note with satisfaction that our observations have been accepted by the Government, which in a first draft immediately ordered the closure. Now there is a reasonable mediation that sees us already committed to other regions similar to ours to adopt specific protocols that allow activities to be carried out safely.
Of course if the contagion curve does not impose further restrictions».

Come countryman. In South Tyrol as of today there is a curfew between 11 pm and 5 am, early closing for bars and restaurants (but only at 8 pm and 10 pm), from Wednesday 50% distance education in secondary schools.

“The number of people positive for Covid-19 is increasing rapidly in Europe, Italy and South Tyrol. We must intervene immediately with more incisive measures to stop the chain of infections and reduce the pressure on hospitals and health facilities, while we try to safeguard schools and companies as much as possible ».

With these words yesterday the president of the Province of Bolzano, Arno Kompatscher, summarized the situation during the videoconference session of the provincial government on the new Dpcm issued by the government. The Palazzo Widmann executive has decided to draft a new ordinance that will be in force throughout the provincial territory from tomorrow until November 24.
“In fact -explains Kompatscher- we will find a large part of the new national Dpcm with some adaptations to the local reality by virtue of the margin of maneuver that our autonomy and the provincial law give us in phase 2 of last May”. Unlike the national level, in South Tyrol bars will have to close at 8:00 p.m. and restaurants at 10:00 p.m., but from 6:00 p.m. the administration of food and beverages can only be done at the table, with assigned seats and a maximum of 4 people per table, except made for family members who live together. There will also be a strict ban on permanent consumption, both near the facilities and on public land.
Between 11:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m., traveling outside the home will only be possible with self-certification and for proven work needs, situations of need or health reasons. Also, even during the rest of the day, it is strongly recommended to minimize all other trips and meetings with people who do not live together. “We are aware of the fact that these measures, which in some cases are stricter than those in the rest of Italy, unfortunately have a drastic impact on our individual freedoms – says Kompatscher – but the inalienable need to protect public health requires us to intervene to block the roots of contagion at its source, which are increasingly linked to parties and gatherings. ”The scheduled public transport services will continue according to the scheduled times, but with a maximum capacity of 80% of the seats.

Also in South Tyrol there will be an obligation to wear a protective mask not only indoors, but also outdoors where there is no isolation situation. Shopping centers are expected to close already on Saturday, with the exception, within them, for stores that sell food products, while on Sundays all commercial activities, except for on-call pharmacies, must remain closed. Furthermore, as of Wednesday October 28, in all institutes, distance learning must cover at least 50% of the teaching hours. “We want to continue guaranteeing face-to-face education for early childhood assistance, kindergartens, primary and secondary schools – emphasizes Kompatscher – a new evaluation will be carried out together with the school municipalities during the festive week scheduled for early November. “.
As far as sport is concerned, all admitted events must take place behind closed doors, that is, without the presence of the public, and only national and international professional and amateur leagues can continue. In the case of football, for example, Serie D and Excellence will also have to stop. Gymnasiums and swimming pools closed, except for the organized training of the swimming clubs affiliated to the federation. The general prohibition of organizing public events and demonstrations, as well as shows and events that take place in theaters and concert halls, is exempted from cinemas, where a maximum of 200 people will be admitted and food and drinks cannot be distributed. . Assemblies and meetings must be held by videoconference except in cases where this formula is not possible, the gaming halls and betting rooms being closed.
In conclusion, Arno Kompatscher recalls that “even stricter measures can be adopted for the most problematic areas”, and reiterates the call to the population to respect the rules on the use of masks, spacing and hand hygiene. “By behaving responsibly, we can keep the situation under control from a health point of view, avoid even more drastic measures, and return to life as normal as possible more quickly.”

Zaia: “They have autonomy, but we …” – «The ordinance of the province of Bolzano? They have autonomy. This was underlined by the President of Veneto, Luca Zaia. Regarding the possibility of exceptions to the Dpcm by the Region “we are verifying – he added – this aspect also from the legal point of view, but for the Regions with ordinary Statutes the rule is inclement. If I could, I would put the restaurants open until midnight, it seems to me sufficient for operators who have always respected health protocol. The government has the courage to give the regions the power to decide on the basis of public health plans ”, he concluded.

An order to reopen bars and restaurants? The answer is maybe, ”Zaia told reporters.
“If we go to a referendum for autonomy – he added – the reason is this, not money. Only Trento and Bolzano could do it. But if they want to break the “sound barrier” they could have them open at 24.00, not at 23.00 “, he concluded.
