Coronavirus Lazio, D’Amato: “Of more than 25 thousand swabs today in Lazio (+6,231) there are 1993 positive cases (+295), 23 deaths and 243 cured (+143). The ratio between positives and swabs improves slightly. 517 Fellows from the general medicine course will participate in the ASL in contact tracing activities. To date there are 1,129 beds in assisted hotel residences for the clinical recovery course but still positive (518 places available). The strengthening process continues. COVID beds in hospital network structures.
In ASL Roma 1 there are 349 cases in the last 24 hours and they are home cases and 54 are hospitalizations. There are seven deaths of 69, 75, 76, 77, 81, 89 and 90 years with pathologies. In ASL Roma 2 there are 451 cases in the last 24 hours and they are isolated cases at home or with a family link or contact of an already known case. One hundred seventy-six cases identified on the recommendation of the GP. There are three deaths of 51, 51 and 87 years due to pathologies. In ASL Roma 3 there are 207 cases in the last 24 hours and they are isolated cases at home or with family ties or contact with a known case. There are two deaths of 38 and 87 years with pathologies.
In ASL Roma 4 there are 117 cases in the last 24 hours and they are isolated cases at home or with family ties or contact of an already known case and twenty-six cases linked to the RSA Gonzaga di Ladispoli cluster where epidemiological investigation is being carried out. In ASL Roma 5 there are 124 cases in the last 24 hours and they are isolated cases at home or with a family link or contact of an already known case. There are four deaths of 52, 72, 75 and 76 years with pathologies. In ASL Roma 6 there are 327 cases in the last 24 hours and it is a case with links from Sardinia, or isolated at home or with a family link or contact of an already known case. There are two deaths of 84 and 86 years with pathologies.
In provinces there are 418 cases and five deaths in the last 24 hours. In Latin ASL there are one hundred and five new cases and they are isolated cases at home or with a family link or contact of an already known case. There are two deaths of 82 and 94 years due to pathologies. In the Asl de Frosinone there are one hundred and sixty-six new cases and they are isolated cases at home, contacts of an already known case or with a family link. Sixteen cases are hospitalized. There is a 59 year old death with diseases – The victim is the man who died yesterday in the Spaziani of which we gave news READ HERE . The death, however, was made official in today’s newsletter.
In the ASL of Viterbo there are one hundred and eleven new cases and they are isolated cases at home or with family ties or contact of an already known case. There is a 60-year-old death with pathologies. Thirty-six new cases are registered with the Rieti Local Health Authority and these are isolated cases at home or with family ties or contacts of an already known case. There is an 85-year-old death with pathologies
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