
The third wave of Covid. We must prepare for a critical third phase. This is what the indicators registered by the Ministry of Health say (the contagion curve is slowly decreasing, but deaths are still many), the large number of movements that are launched for the Christmas holidays and the end of the year, and epidemiologists they predict it so the seasonal flu is on the verge of disappearing and thus adding to the coronavirus pandemic. It is not terrorism, but a fact.
Call them “unfavorable circumstances” if you like. From the Immaculate Conception, today December 8, until December 22, there are two elements to consider. The first: in this period of time, the incubation time of the virus will pass 15 days, which is the time between contact with the virus and the appearance of the symptoms of the disease (it is estimated that the incubation period of SARS- CoV -2 ranges from 1 to 14 days, most commonly around five days). The second: the next Christmas holidays for which the comings and goings, reading meetings, in big cities like Turin, Milan and Rome.
If to this we add that the seasonal flu is going to appear, we cannot fail to take into account a third wave and therefore the absolute need to maintain protection and prevention measures (distancing and therefore the very reduced coexistence with which we we are getting used to, masks and hand hygiene). To say: the combination of Covid and flu has led the health system to propose a new type of tampon. It is called a differential buffer: it is the one that can be understood if you are in the presence of covid or seasonal flu. Even those who have been vaccinated against seasonal flu have an advantage, at least in the analysis of the appearance of symptoms. In fact, thanks to the flu vaccine, health professionals first understand whether it is Covid or not.
Rome, the differential buffer arrives: separates flu and covid
Also, as of December 21, all Italian regions will become the yellow zone by decree, but at the same time, travel between regions will be prohibited. Precisely because you cannot stop a virus by law but you want to allow a little more freedom, albeit psychological, with the reopening of shops and restaurants.
But even without scrolling through the calendar, just take a look at the daily data on infections, which in any case could not lead to a lightening of the current measures. In Veneto, for example, cases are increasing. Today the news is that in Lombardy, aMore than 100 cases of people who tested positive for Covid-19 have been registered in the Santa Margherita di Pavia geriatric hospital. In Europe, new closure measures are announced, from Germany to France.
“Even today, the data on Covid-19 in Italy published by the Ministry of Health indicates a very thoughtful death debt, which is concerning.” To underline this in Adnkronos Salute is the virologist at the University of Milan Fabrizio Pregliasco, who adds: “The trend of new positives is improving, but it is essential to lower the values even further: the third wave runs the risk of manifesting itself in coincidence with the flu, although we hope that in this case the anti-Covid measures contain the spread and the burden of influenza syndromes. The number of new positives is decreasing, but very slowly. And we still have to wait to see the decline in deaths. Meanwhile, “positive signals are coming from Lombardy: today’s data are quite good, and the confirmation also comes from the number of calls to ambulances, which is reducing,” concludes the virologist.
The third wave is approaching and we stay inside with the surfboard.
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Last updated: 15:53