
The center-right joined Bruno Vespa for the presentation of his latest book at the Temple of Hadrian. News on the table, with the next Christmas closing. “Health always comes first. But if the government wants to propose Christmas restrictions to Epiphany tomorrow with the German model, certainly refunds to companies, fine. If instead they want a general shutdown already this weekend, and if The government calls the regions just to communicate a decision already taken, we are not, “said Liga leader Matteo Salvini.” Not to mention that for months they said how well the red, orange and yellow areas worked. And now? the school, then, without comparison, January will be a disaster ”, explains Salvini.
For the leader of the Brothers of Italy Giorgia Meloni, the closings that the government will decide will have to “involve certain refunds. If the restaurants close at 6 in the afternoon, the entire filieira is affected, it cannot be reimbursed only according to the codes of the Ateco “. fairer and has not been accepted. If a good day starts in the morning … I tell the government: first show us the method for soft drinks, then we will think ”.
Silvio Berlusconi, in a telephone connection, agrees with the other two center-right leaders. “I totally agree. The emergency worsens and I only see the political theater – commented the founder of Forza Italia – Italians want to know what they can do on vacation, if tax periods are suspended, if they will have refunds for their activities. most need to listen to the opposition. “