
The scenario 3 It is described in the extensive dossier “Prevention and response to COVID-19: evolution of the strategy and planning in the transition phase for the autumn-winter period” prepared by the Ministry of Health and the Higher Institute of Health. It provides, when the national RT is between 1.25 and 1.5, a series of measures, somewhat vague for the truth, leaving wide discretion to those who govern without real automatisms.
Some examples: the possibility of interrupting some socio-cultural activities at risk; “Incentives for agile work, in order to reduce the overcrowding of public transport and workplaces”; schools should activate staggered lessons in rotation, morning and afternoon, and distance learning. Closing areas with high virus circulation is recommended.
Covid, Italy on stage 3, plan for a soft lockdown: new hypothesis reinforced as of November 9
Last updated: 06:55