from tomorrow 24 thousand doses to more than 60-


Starting tomorrow and within 5-6 days, the approximately 24,000 citizens between 60 and 79 years of age from the municipalities on the border between Bergamo and Brescia will be vaccinated, with which the Lombardy Region is reshaping its anti-Covid vaccination strategy . The campaign manager announced it Guido Bertolaso, after the presentation of the updated plan by the Vice President and Councilor for Wellbeing Letizia Moratti. She will be vaccinated “Mainly” the population between 60 and 79 years old in 15 municipalities in the province of Bergamo and 8 in the province of Brescia to create a “sanitary cordon” and prevent the spread of contagion, which is also increasing in these areas due to variants of the coronavirus.

While the vaccination program continues for those over 80 Already underway throughout the Region, Bertolaso ​​admitted that “probably, to ensure that the doses necessary to vaccinate those over 60 years of age in the municipalities on the border between the provinces of Brescia and Bergamo, we will have to stop the administration of the so-called phase 1 bis with regard to social activities, where in general there are categories that are not those that are most at risk. It is clear that the blanket is shortIn fact it is a handkerchief and we have to advance what the priorities are.

The categories that will be given tomorrow priority in the municipalities on the border between Bergamo and Brescia it will be “gli more than 80 (which is a few thousand) and then all citizens of these municipalities from 60 to 79 years old (a part will be vaccinated with Pfizer, another with Astrazeneca) », clarified Bertolaso. Four have been identified for this purpose Center vaccines, two in the province of Bergamo and two in Brescia: in Chiuduno, Iseo, Antegnate and Chiari. There will be 18 vaccination lines in the province of Bergamo and many others in the province of Brescia: “In the Brescia area there will be about 2,500 vaccinations per day and as many in the Bergamo area, for a total of 4-5,000 administrations per day. day. day: for this, in 5 or 6 days we will be able to close this vaccination on the border between the two provinces. ”In particular, the affected municipalities are: Adrara San Martino, Calcio, Castelli Calepio, Cividate al Piano, Credaro, Gandosso, Palosco, Predore, Pumenengo, Sarnico, Tavernola Bergamo, Telgate, Torre Pallavicina, Viadanica, Villongo in the province of Bergamo. And Roccafranca, Rudiano, Urago d’Oglio, Pontoglio, Palazzolo s / O, Capriolo, Paratico, Iseo in the province of Brescia.

The strategy of «just closing everything is not enough – Bertolaso ​​said on the sidelines of the press conference -. We will do a to experience with these municipalities that are located on the border between Bergamo and Brescia, which are the most affected by the famous English variant. We must do everything possible to reduce this bloody English variant, which is unfortunately not finished yet.

The remodeling of the vaccination strategy will also go through those Municipalities currently in the red band (Bollate, Viggiù and Mede). TO Branded, specifically, Bertolaso ​​said that “in a few days they will be vaccinated all over 80 and all teachers (in the center installed in the Milan Fair): the latter precisely because the outbreak of the Covid variant occurred mainly at the school level. Therefore, we thought it was correct to start from this category. However, there are no directions yet for the rest of the Lombard school staff. TO Viggiù the strategy will remain different: given the position on the border with Switzerland, “we will vaccinate everyone there cross border»Bertolaso ​​said. In the afternoon, Ats Insubria clarified the strategy that will affect the Municipality: “All the adult population residing in the Municipality of Viggiù will be subjected to anti-covid vaccination. Following the evaluations carried out with the Lombardy Region, a specific vaccination strategy has been defined, which takes into account the particular geographical location of proximity to Switzerland and the high presence of cross-border travelers who can more easily come into contact with variants of the virus. The administration of the anti-covid vaccine in the municipality of Viggiù will begin in the coming days. Those over 80 years of age will then be summoned to follow the age group from 66 to 79 and subsequently the subjects from 18 to 65. A peculiar characteristic of the vaccination strategy for this area is its extension to the active population between 18 and 65 years of age. This objective is made up of a significant percentage of cross-border travelers and, therefore, the inclusion of this category is part of a public health action aimed at combating the spread of variants. The objective is to broaden the audience of immunized people and protect the most fragile citizens who, for clinical reasons, cannot be vaccinated. The organizational aspects and the modalities of incorporation of citizens from 18 to 79 years are being defined, which will be announced with subsequent communication also through the Ats Insubria portal ”.

A remodeling that inevitably It will also affect the vaccination stocks of the Regions: «We go belly to earth and we are also reducing the stock defined by Rome that each Region must keep for safety That must be 30% of the vaccines that are delivered – said Bertolaso ​​-. We will reduce this percentage of inventory available because we believe that we must intervene immediately. The only way to stop this pandemic are vaccines and you should always vaccinate and in any case, with what vaccines are there and also looking for more oats ».

February 24, 2021 | 15:34

