from the vulnerable to 64-65 years, what you need to know


Over 70, fragile, risk categories. Continues in LazioDespite the lack of available doses, the campaign of vaccination against COVID-19-19.

Starting today, the reserves for the covid vaccine reserved for those over 70 years of age begin: we start from the age groups of 79 and 78 years (people born in 1942 and 1943). The reservation is made online on the platform and the information contained in the health card is required.

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Out also for the vulnerable

On the other hand, yesterday the reservations began for extremely vulnerable subjects (identified by the vaccination plan of the Ministry of Health) who have not yet received confirmation of vaccination from the facilities where they are being treated. In this case it is necessary to enter the exemption code for your pathology and the health card. Lazio also announced that an agreement has been reached with the local medicine to also vaccinate the vulnerable subjects by general practitioners with mRNA drugs. To facilitate the task, the Region makes available to local health authorities and individual physicians the list of its patients that fall within the categories provided in the Ministry of Health circular.

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Classes 64-65 years

Starting next Monday (March 8), it will then be possible to reserve for the 65 and 64-year-old age groups (born in 1956 and 1957) for whom the vaccines of Astrazeneca. “Given the currently available doses, reservations can be scheduled even after 30 days,” says the Region.

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Teachers can then book on the Lazio region website. and all school personnel (until midnight on Sunday 7), entering the tax code and the last 13 digits of the TSE number code found on the back of the health card. The date to make the withdrawal will also be communicated automatically, always in the same place where the first dose was made. The second injection will be given between the 10th and 12th week after the first.. Vaccination is also guaranteed for staff working at universities outside the region, provided they have the assistance of the Lazio Regional Health Service.

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Obviously, those over 80 can always access the reservation online. Also on the portal, you can change your reservation or that of your loved ones and modify it.

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