“As an Italian citizen, Lombard, resident in San Juan Blanco, I can’t help but report the issue. Those who drive should immediately take note of the serious situation in the Brembana Valley “.
Thus begins the letter that a citizen sent to the drafting of Bergamonews, tired of the frequent problems also due to the cuts in services at the San Giovanni Bianco hospital. Cuts that have been denounced on several occasions – even recently – by the mayors of the valley: outpatient activities with reduced hours, suspension of the H24 service of the medical car, suspension of mammography tests, closure of the physiotherapy service at the Zogno clinic.
“A relative of mine had problems with his hand and, as is normal, he went to the San Giovanni Bianco emergency room where, after an X-ray, they found a fracture. – He writes in the letter -. Everything in the ‘norm’ except that immediately afterwards he was sent to the Bergamo hospital for further evaluation and for the limb cast. It is not possible, having a hospital a few meters from home, after hours and hours of waiting there, that they send us to Bergamo because the orthopedist is in the operating room and is only present in the emergency room for one hour a day. It is an absurd situation, followed by another hour of traffic and more hours of waiting for Pope John “.
An episode that in recent years unfortunately cannot be classified as isolated. “We cannot talk about the patient’s right to health and well-being – the letter continues -. Just think of the most fragile people, the elderly, the people who cannot ask others for help, even if only to travel from the mountain villages. “
A situation that is even more complicated given the current health emergency due to Covid-19. “If we want to prevent the virus from spreading further, in my opinion, this is the worst way to do it. Our countries – conclude – They went through difficult moments, in which the San Giovanni Bianco hospital gave a great hand. Apparently, Covid-19 has not changed the opinion of those who do not understand that the hospital is salvation for all of us who live in the Brembana Valley “.
Signed letter