Questions and answers: orange zone of Puglia, this is what you can not do
by Cenzio Di Zanni

This is the case in Campania, but also in Liguria, Veneto and Emilia Romagna, with a higher number of cases and hospitalizations than in Puglia and an Rt index, which calculates the acceleration of contagion, as high as that of Puglia, if not plus. The criteria on which the elections of the Ministry of Health are based are objective, they are based on the 21 indicators identified by the Scientific Technical Committee to constantly monitor the risk to the health of the regions that are fighting the pandemic. Among these 21 indicators is not only the Rt index, but also the number of accesses to the emergency room, the occupation of beds (especially in intensive care), the percentage of positives in the cases analyzed, the number of outbreaks and cases tested, all days, as well as RSA tracking. Data that the same Regions provide to the Ministry of Health to draw conclusions.
Puglia in the orange zone, what changes. Movements to other municipalities or regions only for work or health reasons

And so, based on the data collected in the week between October 19 and 25 (the one from which the data was drawn), Puglia was classified in a type 3 scenario and a “high” risk area. For this reason, it has been included, together with Sicily, in the orange zone, with all the great restrictions that this entails. So that week Puglia was much worse than Campania, Emilia, Veneto, Liguria and Lazio, to name the regions where there are more cases and hospitalizations. Impossible to understand the reasons for this classification at this time.
At this point, it must be assumed that Puglia has paid for its delays in the installation of beds dedicated to Covid, just at the moment when the second wave gave its greatest acceleration. In fact, even now the beds dedicated to the emergency are all occupied, especially in the areas of Foggia, Bat and Bari (the situation is less heavy in Salento). Puglia probably also pays for the low number of tampons made, 5,000 per day against 15,000 in Campania which perhaps not surprisingly ended up in the yellow zone by surprise. However, it is true that this classification is destined to change very soon, since in the next few hours the Higher Institute of Health will have available the data of the last days of the regions. Regions like Veneto, Liguria, and Campania itself will most likely end up in the orange zone as well. We will see.