
With the arrival of Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine in Italy the time of the first administrations is approaching. It will start on December 27 with the European vax-day that will also involve Italy. Meanwhile, Aifa, the Italian Medicines Agency, has provided details on storage, thawing, dilution and administration of the vaccine. The first 9,750 doses arrived in Italy, destined for priority categories, starting with health professionals. Let’s look at the characteristics of the vaccine reported by AIFA.
Vaccine, who can go to and how is it administered
The vaccine can only be administered to citizens over 16 years of age. They are needed two doses for each person: the first is administered on the so-called zero day, the second after at least 21 days. Each vaccinated person will be given a reminder card with the date of the second administration. The dose is 0.3 milliliters and is administered with an intramuscular injection, which is performed on the deltoid muscle, in the upper arm.
Storage and Preparation of Pfizer Vaccine.
The vaccine must be stored in a freezer., between -90 and -60 degrees, in its original packaging to protect from light. In fact, the vials should be exposed in a reduced way to ambient light and even less to direct sunlight. Once thawed, they can be placed under ambient light. Once removed from the freezer, the vial must be thawed for use, then placed back in the freezer for another two hours, before being removed again. They can then be held at 2-8 degrees, and thawing the 195 vial pack takes up to three hours. Alternatively, they can be thawed for 30 minutes at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees in case of immediate use. Once it reaches room temperature it should be gently inverted 10 times, without shaking it.
At that point the The vaccine must be diluted in its original vial. with 1.8 ml of sodium chloride 9 mg / ml solution for injection, using a 21 gauge needle or finer. Next, air (1.8 ml) should be aspirated and the diluted vaccine should be whitish in color, with no visible particles. After dilution, the expiration date of the vials should be noted. Once diluted, the vial contains 2.25 ml, that is, 5 doses of 0.3. The required dose should be aspirated and any unused vaccine should be discarded within six hours of dilution.
What to do after Covid vaccination
After vaccination you should stay under observation for 15 minutes. In the case of anaphylaxis, the first dose will not be given with the second. Reactions related to anxiety or stress are possible. In case of severe fever and acute infection, vaccination should be postponed, while in case of fever or mild infection it is not necessary. The efficacy and safety of the vaccine have not been evaluated in immunosuppressed subjects. Administration of the vaccine should not affect driving ability.
The duration of protection of the vaccine. not known yet: further studies are underway on the subject. Refering to Adverse reactions The most frequent arising from the experimental phase were: pain at the time of injection, fatigue, headache, myalgia and chills. All symptoms generally developed with mild or moderate intensity and resolved within a few days.
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