from sovereignists to Covid deniers, 5,000 people were expected


Sovereigns, deniers and Without Masks, unions and workers, but also exponents of the Communist Party. In Rome there is everything. Four different events are scheduled for tomorrow, Saturday, October 10. Four places that, in total, will accommodate about 5,100 people.

Deniers in Rome, Gabrielli: “Static demonstration with a mask”. Risk of dissolution and fines

According to data from the Police Headquarters, 100 people are expected in piazza della Bocca della Verità for a demonstration against the “health and technocratic dictatorship”, here the deniers of Covid, Forza Nuova and Orange Vests will take to the streets. Instead, there will be 3,000, those expected in San Giovanni shouting “let’s liberate Italy.” From 10.30 to 14, in Piazza del Popolo, 1500 people were expected at the meeting organized by the CGIL and the CGIL Civil Service for the “proposals for the National Social Health Service.”

Starting at 2.30 pm, in Piazza Santi Apostoli, there will be 500 exponents of the Communist Party for a demonstration against the euro and NATO. As has been known, the Rome Police Headquarters has made a “recipe” for promoters to wear a mask.

The manifestation of the sovereigns in Rome

They say they are not “extreme right-wing deniers” and reiterate that they “do not want to be confused with the organizers of other demonstrations,” referring to the Sin Masks square in Rome on September 5.

The sovereignists ready to “invade” the Piazza San Giovanni in Laterano, tomorrow at 2:00 pm, also point the finger at Rea’s press, according to their point of view, of “telling lies, to discredit our manifestation“when the square of tomorrow is associated with fringes of the extreme right or other” ruffles “

Who will be in the Piazza San Giovanni?

We reject this accusation as intolerable fake news and, therefore, we will take legal action to protect our reputation as that of the protesters who will be next Saturday in Piazza San Giovanni. Nobody like us has worked in recent months to favor the broader popular unity against the neoliberal ruling classes. Yes, we want unity, but unity for us is not a bunch without head and tail.“they say in a note.

Promoting Saturday’s event, among others, Tiziana Alterio, Moreno Pasquinelli, Mauro Scardovelli, the philosopher Diego Fusaro, Francesco Toscano, Glauco Benigni, Emiliano Gioia and the former grillina Sara Cunial. Rosita Celentano also waits in the square while Enrico Montesano, who has spread an explicit message on social networks, will stay at home, although sharing the ideas of the ‘March for liberation’.

The reasons for the event

Cornerstones of the event “sovereign currency in a sovereign state, increased wages and a minimum income of 1,000 euros for the unemployed, defense of small businesses, public control of the banking system and public health that protects the health of all citizens, which guarantee the freedom of therapeutic choice, combined with an environmental policy without a facade, oriented to sovereignty and food security, which in the meantime decrees the cessation of 5G“.

While we reiterate that we fully recognize the democratic and patriotic principles enshrined in the 1948 Constitution, we are compelled to reiterate that we do not deny the existence of the virus.“, say the organizers who later conclude:”Work, Income, Democracy, Sovereignty, these are the four slogans on which we launched the March of Liberation“.


Dissent from the traffic police union

At the forefront also the Roman Coordination of the Local Police of Ugl and the Provincial Secretariat of the Autonomy of Ugl that explain the reason for their presence in San Giovanni in a joint note. “We were the first, as a PL UGL union last March, to put aside our own self-preservation instinct and suspend all kinds of union claims until the end of the state of emergency – declared coordinator Marco Milani and provincial secretary Sergio Fabrizi – At that time not much was known about Covid 19 and the virus was presented to us as potentially dangerous as an Ebola or Smallpox epidemic. Despite fears, we continue to provide our service, in cities paralyzed by fear, even in a shameful lack of adequate Protective Devices, deterring and repressing, even harshly, citizens already tried by a deep economic and social crisis, by the breach of the rules of the Dpcm ”.

“Today – the note continues – without underestimating or minimizing the danger of a particularly aggressive form of influenza, we nevertheless believe that it cannot be, nor should it be managed with continuous and repeated daily waivers of the rights of freedom, of the person and of workers or worse, with the introduction of new rules that are difficult to understand with heavy penalties. The “emergency” should not run the risk of constituting an excuse for the inability to manage the newspaper and, without wanting to abdicate the duties of those who wear uniforms, we intend to peacefully express our dissent. “

“Saturday in the streets against the health dictatorship”

And if the sovereignists ensure the absence of the Covid deniers, the presence of the No Mask (along with the right-wing extremists) is expected in Piazza della Bocca della Verità, as General Antonio Pappalardo, leader of the Orange Vests, explained to Adnkronos. . of the organized demonstration against the obligation to wear masks and the restrictions imposed to counteract the spread of the Coronavirus: “The orange vest movement will participate in the demonstration with a large delegation. Conte continues to launch dpcm that lead us to a state of health and technocratic dictatorship, the opposition of Salvini and Meloni is inconsistent from this point of view and citizens are asking us to react. Will we wear the mask? I don’t know yet, we will meet and decide how to behave. We know that it is useless to use it and that there is a state law that prohibits shooting with your face covered Covid-19 exists and is a serious influence. ndemic, because we are talking about such small numbers that they do not justify the use of this word at all. “

With him also the leader of Forza Nuova Giuliano Castellino: “The Government of National Liberation will be born on Saturday. The first act will be to support the spontaneous and popular mobilization of Piazza Bocca della Verità. The GLN (Government of National Liberation) – continues Castellino – Forza Nuova together with the People of Life and Family, the People of VAT, Socialis, the Orange Vests and our national liberation groups, will bring support and support to the initiative of popular groups that ask for the truth about Covid “, fair at the moment when the coronavirus makes its presence felt more throughout Italy.

Trade unionists and the Communist Party in the streets of Rome

‘Health: public and for all! Our proposals for the National Social Health Service ‘. Instead, it is the title of the event promoted by CGIL and CGIL Public Function scheduled in Piazza del Popolo from 10.30 to 14.00. An event that will feature interventions by delegates from the sector, along with a discussion between the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza. , and the General Secretary of the CGIL, Maurizio Landini, moderated by the RAI journalist, Riccardo Iacona. Finally, space also for the Communist Party in a demonstration “against the PD – M5S – LEU government and against the European Union, the Euro and NATO”.

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