From shoulder to Conte, Renzi faces dreams’ – Time


Franco Bechis

It was not the first time that Matteo Renzi predicted fire and flames. Most of the time, however, it ended with the lighting of a match that went out without even blackening his fingers. Yesterday however, the leader of Italy had a nice fire under Giuseppe Conte’s chair that really lit up.

The wood had been stacked for days, and now it will not be so easy for the premier to put out those flames. This time Renzi did not disappoint expectations: he spoke in the Senate for the declaration of vote on the reform of the ESM and, looking Conte in the eyes, spoke about something else: the excess of power in the hands of the Italian prime minister. Renzi said that only at two in the morning on the eve of the Council of Ministers that should have approved it, the national recovery and resilience plan that Italy must present to the European Union in order to have 209 billion was sent by email. pledged funds from the next generation of the EU.

Of course, no one could examine it to be able to discuss it in the Council, but a rather strange choice immediately arose on how to compromise those sensational figures that saw health (9 billion in five years) and tourism (3 billion in five years). in the last two places. same period) which, with reason, according to Renzi, are instead the true emergencies of this moment. But that document was effectively presented to ministers and majority parties as a “take it or leave it” text, because the prime minister would have had to illustrate it in the next few hours to the other European heads of state to convince them to really open that purse that until now it is only virtual. . Not only that, the plan was accompanied by a draft text outlining the powers of an army of consultants (the task force) that would assist the prime minister (who should have the last word) in choosing the projects to be funded. with that money. Renzi said no to the entire plant, warning Conte that if he happened to imagine inserting it as an amendment to the budget law alongside another text so dear to Palazzo Chigi that it created a foundation to control the secret services out of nowhere, Italy Viva would not have voted on the budget law.

The little man at Palazzo Chigi did not expect this kind of push: he had studied with his parents the cunning of the amendment to the budget law, knowing that having presented the maneuver for 2021 with serious delay, Parliament does not have the technical time. necessary for discussion and inevitably the government would have to raise the question of confidence in the text it preferred: who in the majority would have dared to overthrow the government at this point? The answer reached the Senate yesterday: Renzi. Count who did not expect it, hesitated for an hour with the dilemma: “lose your face or lose your seat”? A politician is very attentive to the first hypothesis, a man who came to power only by chance to the second. Then Conte decided to lose face and undertake a strong setback in those projects that last night seemed indispensable to him.

Renzi, therefore, already seemed to overcome the challenge launched last night, at least in form, as it does not happen even in the most successful lightning wars. But it could be a front victory, with the risk that what no longer enters the door will slip through the window. If it is about balances and challenges between politicians, it would be easy for them and we will not be here to write about it. On the other hand, the push launched yesterday by Renzi to Conte is a very good opportunity: it could also make us dream, it is only up to the leader of Italy alive not to let go. Due to this confrontation and the prime minister’s obvious fear that the Bostik used it generously, the possibility of leaving the tunnel in which this country has been locked up for months is no longer enough to keep him glued to the armchair of Palazzo Chigi, and not because of the pandemic.

At stake, Renzi rightly pointed out, there are 209 billion euros that Italy will never see again for who knows how many years. Not only can they not be thrown away chasing cheap slogans and flags. But since more than half are loans, they will be repaid over the years and will tie the hands of at least two or three other governments, hopefully eventually elected by Italian voters. It is not possible to choose its use as Conte wished in a small room in Palazzo Chigi assisted by his good men, but it is necessary to involve the entire Parliament, apart from leaving at the door even those who dislike the prime minister most in their majority in the door as it was happening now. . And somehow also involve the public opinion that has the right to discuss what would be most useful now and in the coming years for the whole community. Apart from organizing secret shows like the general states and then losing entire months as he did in every emergency Conte doing nothing, always postponing so as not to move the chair. The main problem of this country is him with his flagrant errors, methods and temptations to be the dictator of the Banana Free State. Come on, Renzi! The time has come to fix it.
