
For at least two weeks, Mantua will remain the red zone. The commissioner clarifies: “You can go to the nearest supermarket even if it is in another municipality”
MANTOVA. Here we go again. Lost in a labyrinth of uncertainties, back in time, towards the darkest months, those of the world spied on from balconies and self-certified in their pockets to venture. Not everything has gone well, we have to shut ourselves up at home after a scarred summer, and the last Dpcm has also triggered a bitter confrontation at all levels, between Regions and Government, between Mayors and Regions, between majority and opposition. Finally, Mantua remains stuck in the condition of the red zone. Governor Fontana makes this clear: no exceptions based on infection trend in individual provinces are allowed for two weeks.
Once the chromatic doubt is dissolved, other knots remain. For example, as of today, will you still be able to go shopping at a supermarket located in a neighboring municipality but different from your residence? The commissioner responds Paolo Sartori who signed a new ordinance, aligned with the measures of the last Dpcm and in line with what was discussed yesterday by the provincial commission of public order and security. “As in the previous closure, those who live near a supermarket have the opportunity to go there even if they are in another municipality”, clarifies the commissioner. After all, an extreme example, if we concentrated on the only supermarket in a municipality, we would feed precisely those gatherings to prevent. It is possible to change municipality even if you need a particular meal. But these are the only exceptions.
Another question that I am passionate about in these hours: can you still go running in the park to play sports? And how far can you go from home to walk, do physical activity? The first answer is yes, as long as you go alone and stay in the municipality. The second question is more complicated, because the Dpcm uses the formula “close”, while during the first confinement the limit was established at 200 meters from the house. “Trust the common sense of those who do physical activity,” says Sartori.
Regarding self-certification and the reasons raised, the commissioner ensures that each individual case will be evaluated, always with the measure of common sense. Pending new ministerial interpretations. “Even with the understanding that these are very severe measures, we trust in the conscience of the citizens regarding the common objective, which is that of public health – Sartori says – The police will not act with oppressive intent, but with the maximum understanding of the individual. anticipated situations “.
There are no alternatives, this time everything will have to go well.