From Rome comes the cure for rigor. That is why yellow is a mirage in Tuscany


Covid Laboratory
Covid Laboratory

Florence, December 13, 2020 – UN automatism more than a rage against him Tuscany. There is no derogation to the two-week parking rule in the color range, imputed by the Ministry of Health by order after having heard the opinion of the control room. There is no exception, for now, because there are improvements in the epidemiological curve, but they are slow. And the government fears that the third wave slap the country at the most delicate moment, that is, after the holidays, if the citizens – the calls to rigor aside – will not be able to self-discipline, giving themselves a limit even when the desire for hugs and the fear of individual non-compliance, thus as to the system. , they will be stronger than ever. The most delicate moment because the vaccination campaign will begin: reaching 70% of the population is a challenging goal that knows no possibility of failure. For the health system, facing it with collapsed hospitals and territorial and family medicine fighting uncontrolled infections would be half a catastrophe.

Because we have turned yellow with rage but we will not be yellow in the range – probably until next Sunday – forcing the Commerce suffer more, despite improving data? The reasoning, punitive as it may seem, is fairly straightforward. Those who have tried the action of force, like Abruzzo, have paid the consequences. The color zone attribution system was carefully identified, as no better solution was found for a semi-total blockade in the country. The change that in the dpcm, approved on December 3, allows to change the color of a region after spending only one week in a specific color area, was made exclusively for completely extraordinary situations, but the installation of the system has been confirmed. . So Tuscany scoffed? Those who conspire badly by thinking of exemplary punishments at the political level, imagining that our region can thus pay for the move of Senator Matteo Renzi that makes the government pull the neck, keeping it hanging by a thread.

Basically the reasons why we’re still orange they are, according to the ministry, dictated by a too slow emptying of intensive care. Agenas still reports that the critical threshold of 30% bed occupancy in intensive care has been exceeded: Tuscany is 42%. And in the wards of the ordinary Covid hospital there are many patients: 1,449. However, one must think that the yellow Veneto, in these epidemic conditions, is in serious danger. Perhaps the rule would need to be adjusted.
