With the pandemic continuously growing, large EU countries are taking difficult and unpopular measures, trying to balance the defense of health and the stability of the economy.
by Michele Pignatelli
With the pandemic continuously growing, large EU countries are taking difficult and unpopular measures, trying to balance the defense of health and the stability of the economy.
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France must be prepared for “tough decisions” to deal with the new wave of coronavirus cases. The statements of the transalpine Minister of the Interior, Gerald Darmanin, to the France Info station, before meeting with President Emmanuel Macron and the other competent ministers, are the thermometer of the general climate that crosses the great European countries, all called – from France to Germany. , from Spain to Great Britain – to adopt difficult and unpopular measures, trying to balance the protection of public health (and the health system at risk of collapse) with the resilience of the economy.
France, Europe’s first patient
French President Emmanuel Macron has entrusted the reflection on the new plan to the two sessions of the Defense Council called for Tuesday and Wednesday and to the consultation of political forces and social partners entrusted to Prime Minister Jean Castex.
The country introduced a curfew between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m. in Paris and major cities two weeks ago, but the number of new infections (52,000 on Sunday) and hospital admissions rose dramatically: 1307 on Monday, with the greater increase in patients in therapy. intensive since the beginning of April. “We clearly need a general lockdown,” Gilles Pialoux, an infectious disease specialist at the Tenon Hospital in Paris, told the BFM broadcaster. At the same time, facing another emergency, the Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises has issued a statement in which it warns of the risk of an economic collapse in the event of a new confinement.
Two industry sources told Reuters the government is considering an early curfew, the closure of non-essential businesses and a weekend closure for all citizens. For now, there is no official confirmation from the government.
Germany and the “light” blockade
“We have very, very difficult months ahead of us,” Angela Merkel told a summit of her party, the CDU; For this reason, the German chancellor wants to accelerate the pace and has advanced a meeting with the prime minister of the 16 Länder for Wednesday to evaluate new restrictions. In Germany, individual states are responsible for most measures, so their consent is required to enact them.