From north to south, the best high schools according to Eduscopio


The 2020 edition of “” is online, the Agnelli Foundation portal, born in 2014 and free, which aims to help students and their families choose a school after the eighth grade. The report analyzes data from approximately 1,275,000 Italian graduates in approximately 7,400 fields of study in state and peer high schools.

In fact, Eduscopio allows students to compare schools in the field of study that interest them in the area where they reside, based on how they prepare for college or the world of work after graduation. Among the data that appear in the 2020 version of the portal, the average occupancy rate of the technical (economic and technological) sector, which has grown to 49.59% from 48.03% last year.

“It is a difficult time for the country and its schools – stresses the director of the Agnelli Foundation, Andrea Gavosto – many families who have children in the last year of high school are disoriented and may have greater difficulties during the health emergency. , to have a clear idea of ​​the choice of the study itinerary and the baccalaureate for the next academic year. “” Eduscopio -adds Gavosto- cannot be the only tool for a weighted decision, but we think that the contribution of information, data and comparisons between schools that it offers for free may be even more useful this year ”.

For the new edition of the portal, the Agnelli Foundation working group, coordinated by Martino Bernardi, analyzed the data of approximately 1,275,000 Italian graduates in three subsequent school years (2014/15, 2015/16, 2016/17) in some 7,400 fields of study in public and private secondary schools.

Tasso and Righi the best secondary schools in Rome

The Torquato Tasso for classical studies, the Augusto Righi for scientists: the two institutes in Rome confirm again this year the first place in the Eduscopio ranking.

As for the classic, in addition to the Tasso, the podium is confirmed, in order, by Francesco Vivona and Ennio Quirino Visconti, with an investment compared to last year. In fourth place is Augusto, a new entry in the top five compared to 2019, while in fifth place is Bertrand Russel. Mamiani, who this year ranks seventh, comes out of the top 5 positions. Among the top ten Roman high schools, but in remote positions compared to other historical high schools, Virgilio (6) and Dante (10), while Giulio Cesare comes out of the top ten and is ranked 12.

For scientific direction we find the Camillo Cavour institute in second place, Morgagni in third, Ciampino’s Vito Volterra in fourth and Mamiani in fifth. El Virgilio went from third place last year to eleventh. Aristotle (7) and Thales (8) also rank in the top ten.

The capital does not occupy the podium of the best linguistic secondary schools. Those who want to study foreign languages ​​well without leaving Rome must ‘settle’ for second place in Seneca or move to Tivoli for Lazzaro Spallanzani (first), one thing. The Catullo di Monterotondo closes the podium. Virgilio (4), Kant (6) and Horacio (10) are also in the top ten.

For the human sciences, Eduscopio crowns Machiavelli, Carducci and Montale. In fourth place is Margherita di Savoia, while in fifth place is Via delle Sette Chiese.

The best art school in the capital is still via di Ripetta. New entry for second place, Mercuri de Marino, while Confalonieri-De Chirico is confirmed in third place. Caravillani and Caravaggio close the top five positions.

The best technical commercial institute in the capital is Giovanni XXIII, followed by Bachelet, Darwin, Bottardi and Da Verrazzano.

Among the technological technical institutes, Boaga is reconfirmed, followed by Fermi de Tivoli and Pirelli. In the first five positions also Matteucci and Buonarroti.

In Milan on top of the Sacro Cuore classical high school

The private institute Sacro Cuore is at the top of the ranking of classical secondary schools in Milan and neighboring provinces. In second place another private secondary school, Alexis Carrel, and in third place the state school Daniele Crespi in Busto Arsizio (Va). Regarding scientific secondary schools, Leonardo Da Vinci ranks first, Maria Gaetana Agnesi (Merano, Lc) second, and then Alessandro Volta. Among the linguists, in order, Jean Monnet (Mariano Comense), Alessandro Greppi (Monticello) and Carlo Porta (Monza).

Francesco Viganò de Merate is the first among the Technical-Economic Institutes, followed by Jean Monnet (Mariano Comense) and Gandhi Mohandas Karamchand (Besana in Brianza). As for the Technical-Technological Institutes, the podium is: Argentia (Gorgonzola), Alessandro Greppi (Monticello) and Jean Monnet (Mariano Comense). Finally, among the artistic secondary schools, the private Preziosissimo Sangue (Monza) is confirmed first, then there are Amedeo Modigliano (Giussano) and Lucio Fontana (Arese).

In Lombardy, two years after the technical or professional diploma, 40.7% of young people are employed, 10.5% are underemployed, 21.2% are still studying, while 15.5% are students- workers. This is the picture drawn by the report. Regarding the type of contracts, again two years after graduation, 36.7% have an apprenticeship job, while 17.2% have a permanent contract and 46.1% a temporary job. 35.1% have a profession consistent with their studies, 23.2% a transversal profession and 41.7% not coherent. The employment rate stands at 64.2%, while the waiting times from graduation to the first significant occupation are on average 192 days. The average distance from home to work is 23.9 km.
