From new red regions to general lockdown, these are the scenarios for the next 10 days



For the moment, the hypothesis of a generalized lockout is excluded, but there are growing areas where the risk, as it becomes high, requires more restrictions.

Coronavirus, high Rt in Lombardy, Basilicata and Piedmont. Here are the data

For the moment, the hypothesis of a generalized lockout is excluded, but there are growing areas where the risk, as it becomes high, makes more restrictions necessary.

3 ‘reading

The number of Regions could rise to 14, in addition to the province of Bolzano, in which more restrictive measures are needed than those in force throughout Italy against the coronavirus. At the end of the week we will understand how to proceed based on the trend of infections monitored by the health authorities.

After Abruzzo, Basilicata, Liguria and Tuscany that will flank Sicily and Puglia in the orange zone (red for the province of Bolzano together with Calabria, Lombardy, Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta), the situation in Campania is particularly observed, subject to a postponement. down on Monday during the control room. And again, the trends of Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Veneto are closely watched where, according to experts, the parameters are likely to grow noticeably in the coming days, so it is necessary to anticipate interventions.


The alarm of the GP

For now, the hypothesis of a new total confinement “does not exist”, it is not on the table, government and majority sources repeat, adding that we want to wait to see the effects of the Prime Minister’s Decree of November 3 on the contagion curve and only then will a decision be made. And the same scientists are slowing down, so much so that the president of the Higher Health Council Franco Locatelli speaks of a “slowdown” of the curve, “the result of the measures already implemented”, and that of the Higher Institute of Health Silvio Brusaferro of “encouraging signs “. . Even if it is precisely the doctors who insist: after Anelli, the president of the Italian Federation of Family Doctors (Fimmg) Silvestro Scotti asked “everything closed”: «We need a red zone throughout Italy. It seems absurd to me that this was decided at a time when the north had such high contagion rates and today we refer to this puzzle joke. However, the fact is that bars and restaurants are already closed in the middle of Italy and one cannot move from the municipality itself.

More controls in sight in urban centers

If the 4 regions indicated by the Higher Institute of Health were added, only Lazio, Molise, Marche and Sardinia would remain in the yellow zone, in addition to the province of Trento. Over the weekend, there will be a new contraction throughout Italy, with the Interior Ministry expressly asking the prefects to convene Public Order and Security Committees with a double objective: to increase controls to avoid meetings in the most crowded areas of cities and tourist centers – as the images from last weekend amply demonstrate – and coordinate with the mayors to close those streets and squares where nightlife is concentrated.

“High probability of high risk progression”

The indication from scientists from Campania, Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Veneto is clear. “Based on the latest monitoring, there are four regions that are heading towards high risk and in which the most restrictive measures should be anticipated,” Brusaferro said. All, according to the ISS document and the control room, are in scenario 4 (the worst of the hypothesized), with a moderate risk but “with a high probability of progression to high risk”. Campania, for example and just to name a few parameters, has an incidence of cases per 100 thousand inhabitants of 633.48, below the already red regions only, 21,434 new cases in a week (only surpassed by Lombardy), a positive result / tampons increased in one week from 10.5% to 18.1%.
