from Monday Abruzzo in the orange zone


L’AQUILA – The President of the Region, Marco Marsilio, signed the order with which Abruzzo outlines the return to the orange zone. The ordinance is effective from the moment of its publication.

As of tomorrow morning, the regulations established in the so-called orange zones for commercial businesses will be applied throughout the region. The completion of the course will take place on Wednesday 9 with the reopening of schools, after exactly 21 days of discipline in the red zone.

The monitoring of the weekend provided new comforting data, of which the regional technical-scientific committee also took note, whose request on November 15 was at the origin of the ordinance of 16 that led the region to the red zone to come into force. since last November 18.

Order then absorbed by the subsequent act of Minister Speranza, recently extended. In particular, there have not been such a low number of new positives since October 23. Hospitalizations are also decreasing, both in intensive care and in the medical area, while from mid-November to today the total number of beds available for Covid has increased by a few hundred.

All this in a framework in which the main indicators (Rt, bed occupancy rate in intensive care and medical area, hospitalization rate of the resident population) place Abruzzo always perfectly aligned with national averages and with a classified global risk as ‘moderate’.

Orange zone and yellow zone, this is what changes for the regions as of Sunday. Download the pdf

President Marsilio had assumed the responsibility of autonomously anticipating the application of the most restrictive regulations envisaged by national regulations, with the aim of initiating without delay the necessary care to return Abruzzo to a safe place.


“The data from two subsequent reports from the national control room and those from the last weekend – the note reads – show that the objective was achieved in the shortest time possible and, as desired, in time to reopen commercial activities for the start of the holiday season. The same national control room had positively recognized that the Region had adopted the most restrictive regulations in advance. “

“The need, which continues to be a priority, to safeguard public health and human life has thus been reconciled with that of guaranteeing social and economic stability.”


“The dialogue with the Minister, who was informed before the adoption of the provision, was always carried out in the spirit of mutual correction and loyal institutional collaboration, for which President Marsilio thanks Minister Speranza,” reports the official note region of. .

“However,” the note continues, “the president felt that he should assume responsibility for avoiding a literal application of the laws in force that cause disproportionate and harmful treatment in Abruzzo.

On Monday afternoon at 3 pm at the Palazzo Silone headquarters, the president will illustrate the details of the initiative to the press.

Last updated: 19:57

