“In the field of aviation, a profound reform will be carried out that will affect various sectors of the sector“. The transport minister said: Paola De Micheli, during “Italy 2021 – Skills to restart the future”, the event promoted by PwC Italia on mobility. “There is the arrival of NewCo Alitalia,” he added, “but there is also the reform regarding Enac’s regulation, whose process should be able to complete tomorrow. Then there is the new airport plan ”.
“There are a number of smaller airports,” added De Micheli, “that need a strong stimulus for investment.” “We had to make the plan in the spring of this year – he concluded – but Covid delayed our path. We will open consultations with trade associations and airport operators in early October.”
“On the front of the protection of workers we have strengthened not only the layoff fund system but also the flight fund that serves to supplement the salaries of those who are in cig – added the minister -. We have integrated the fund in such a way that the coverage time horizon for both the Alitalia and Air Italy crises is sufficient to recover all staff. So there is a package that concerns Alitalia, but not only. “
The industrial plan for Alitalia personnel – he stressed – and the injection of personnel currently in layoffs will follow a “timing that will seek to increase the number of flights, the application of the industrial plan on the type of routes and the trend”. From the market “