From Thursday March 4, all the municipalities of the metropolitan city of Bologna and those of the province of Modena fall into the red zone. Those of the province of Reggio Emilia in the dark orange zone.
In agreement with the mayors and based on the data provided by the health authorities, the Region will approve an ordinance tomorrow, effective from March 4 to Sunday, March 21, to cope with the spread of infections, which spread very quickly due to new variants, even among young and very young, and to protect the hospital network, where hospitalizations both in Covid wards and in intensive care units constantly increasing.
The red zone in the Bolognese and Modenese areas
The main restrictions to be introduced in the red zone (therefore for theBologna metropolitan area and for the province of Modena), in addition to those shown in dark orange, refer to the 100% distance learning for all elementary schools and universities (in Bolognese already planned since yesterday) and stop business activities With the exception of essentials such as pharmacies, parapharmacies, grocery stores, kiosks and other specific categories. Again for the red areas, as established by the new Dpcm of the Government, the closure of childcare services.
Reggiano’s dark orange area
Looking at the dark orange area in which Reggio Emilia provinceAfter the municipalities of Ausl Romagna with the exception of the district of Forlì, and therefore those of the provinces of Rimini, Ravenna and Cesenate, the main limitations refer to: the stop to travel – Except for reasons of health, work and proven needs – even within the municipality itself, and the prohibition of going to family, friends and second homes; the closure of recreational activities and a closure of sports activities, in addition to distance education for schools of all levels and universitiesto. In the presence of educational services 0-3 years and preschool. In this area, however, the Economic activities, including those of personal service, allowed in the orange zones of the country. / CE
(Attached, details on the restrictions in the dark red and orange zones)