From lockdowns to lockdown: CTS’s plan to shut everything down


Following the increase in infections of Coronavirus registered in recent days (5,724 cases were reached yesterday, but with a very high number of swabs, 133,084), the government wasted no time and immediately decided to urgently convene a meeting with the Scientific Technical Committee to decide which way to go.

In reality, what will be discussed today during the meeting between the CTS and the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza is quite well known. In fact, the experts had already prepared a document with all the scenarios spread of Covid-19 and the possible measures to implement. What is decided during the meeting will become part of the new Dpcm that is coming.

In the first scenario imagined by the CTS, the country is in a moment of sustained spread of the virus, but with a health system still perfectly capable of handling the situation in the short and medium term. A phase of “yellow alert”, in short: the one we are now. The Rt index fluctuates between 1 and 1.25, and the main task remains the containment of the shoots, with the establishment, if necessary, of small red zones to avoid an increase in infections. Both social distancing and the use of smart-workig should be encouraged, as stated in the document that informs “Il Messaggero”, as well as the interruption of social, cultural and sports activities, if necessary. Not only. Already at this stage, the Scientific Technical Committee foresees restrictions on the movement of citizens “in subregional geographic areas”, such as provinces and municipalities, in areas considered higher risk. Regarding the school, a very hot topic in these hours given the disputes against Minister Azzolina, the CTS suggests staggered lessons, with the return of distance education for secondary schools. Suspended physical education.

If this is not enough, let’s move on to the stage “Orange”. The first regions that could reach this stage are Campania, Lombardy and Basilicata. In this scenario, the transmission of the virus remains sustained, with an Rt between 1.25 and 1.5, but the health system runs the risk of not holding out in the medium term. Therefore, the objective becomes to mitigate the spread of the virus, by “Extraordinary interventions extended, with temporary closures (2-3 weeks) in Municipalities and Provinces”. In addition to that, you will be asked to hold the spacing and suspend activities with risk of overcrowding. In this phase, movements between and within regions will also be restricted, with the possible interruption of some productive activities.

In case of further deterioration, the CTS has the stage ready “rosso“, which will be taken into account in the event of uncontrolled transmission of the Coronavirus, with an Rt greater than 1.5. In this phase, given the high risk of a possible crisis in the health system, the Scientific technical committee The end of widespread community transmission is set as its goal. Therefore, there are severe restrictions on the movement of citizens, even reaching a new generalized blockade. In this case, schools will be closed, reverting to distance education.
